Monday, November 1, 2010

Agent Contest and Blogfest and NaNo, Oh My!

    Today's the day! Break out those one-line pitches and head to Operation Awesome for the MYSTERY AGENT CONTEST!!!! This is not just for YA/MG - our awesome mystery agent is on the look out for adult fiction also, so hurry on over!!!

    And don't forget to showcase those logline/hook line/pitch lines for Steena Holmes's epic blogfest! Head to her blog for details - the blogfest starts TODAY!

    Now if that's not a little fun to brighten your Monday, I don't know what is :D

    And lest we forget....IT'S NANO TIME BABY! Dunn dunn dunnnnn (hehe) How are those words coming? My potato man is all warmed up and ready for me to drop some pages in his box - here is is for your viewing pleasure :) Good luck to all you NaNo-ites out there!

    So, how is your Monday morning going?

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Agent Contest and Blogfest and NaNo, Oh My!

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