Monday, November 29, 2010

Blog Chain - What are Books to you?

    So, apparently I DID have something to post today...I just totally forgot LOL

    It's my turn on the blog chain, and for this round, Kate wants us to fill in the blank:

    Books are __________.

    It's been really interesting reading everyone's responses. I sort of thought everyone would have the same answer and that hasn't been the case at all. Everyone has had wonderful posts on this.

    For me, books addiction.

    Seriously. I crave them. I think about them ALL the time, whether it's about reading them or writing them. I dwell on the characters and worlds I've immersed myself in for long after I've closed the book. I dream about them. I could talk for hours about them. I let my house crumble around my ears when I'm in the middle of a good one. I carry one with me at all times. My house is bursting at the seams with them and I still want more! My dream is to have a huge library in my house, with rolling ladders to reach all the shelves :D

    The second pay day hits, I go out and buy at least one new (or new to me) book. I have kept the library cards from every place I have ever lived (and I've moved a lot). When I don't have something to read, I go a little crazy. I'll buy books I'm not horribly interested in because if I need something to read and that's all that's available, I can't just walk away empty handed.

    I'm seriously addicted....and I LOVE it :)

    Be sure to check out Laura's awesome answer from yesterday, and stop by Shaun's tomorrow to see what books are to him :)

    How about you? How would you fill in the blank?

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Blog Chain - What are Books to you?

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