Monday, November 22, 2010

NaNo Fail

    Ah, my dear NaNo,

    We had a good run, you and I, but alas, it was just not meant to be. I don't regret a single moment of our time together. We made it longer than any other NaNo year I've ever been with, and have over 20,000 beautiful new words to show for it. But sometimes, life and more important deadlines just get in the way. It's no one's fault. We just....drifted apart. We wanted different things. I know you wanted what was best for me and our manuscript, but your unwillingness to be flexible was a problem I just couldn't overcome. And that's not your fault. It's not you, it's me. If I could have stuck to what you wanted, the result would have been amazing. All I can say is, I did my best. I'm sorry it wasn't enough.

    We had some amazing times together, and the words we created are well worth the stress and near panic of every looming word count goal. I'll still think of you, from time to time, especially when I'm shredding our precious creations.

    And this doesn't have to be goodbye forever. Maybe, once we've taken a break, stepped back and given each other some space and time, maybe we can try again.

    We'll always have November.....

    Best regards,


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NaNo Fail

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