Thursday, November 4, 2010

Thirty Word Thursday x 2

    Sometimes language gets in the way of the story's feelings. The reader finds himself experiencing the language of the story rather than the story. "A man goes into a phone booth, stirring coins in his palm." "Stirring" is such an obviously selected word. You can feel the writer looking for the word as he sat at the typewriter. 

    — Leonard Michaels 

    Do you find yourself doing this in your own writing? I know we all sit and search for the exact right word, but have you ever had an experience, whether with your own work or someone else's where you've read a line, and instead of it having a powerful impact, you think "okay, I (or that writer) am/is trying too hard"?

    And how are all my NaNo peeps doing? For those not doing NaNo, how are your other projects or just life in general going?

    I have actually surprised myself - I'm doing much better than I expected LOL

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Thirty Word Thursday x 2

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