Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Thankful for Agents Day - Thank You Krista Goering!

    Today for our month of thankfulness, we are saying thanks to agents (and thanks to Christine for the idea :) )

    Even if you don't have an agent yet, I'm sure you can join with me in this one. Agents are really amazing people. They pour through hundreds of queries, submissions, and manuscripts, and spend countless hours helping to develop amazing projects that they then spend even more time submitting. The sheer amount of work they do, often for little or no money and very often on their own time, is just staggering. What an incredible, dedicated bunch of people.

    I want to send a HUGE thank you to my agent, Krista Goering. I was terrified when we scheduled our first phone call LOL I mean, this was an AGENT, who was interested in ME :D But she put me right at ease. I have loved working her on my non-fiction projects. She's a wonderful agent. She always keeps me updated on anything going on, she responds to my emails faster than my own family, and patiently answers even my dumbest questions :) She even sent me a picture of my editors when she ran into them at a conference :D Sooo fun to see the faces of the people working on my book :)

    I feel like I can go to her with any issues I may have with projects, present and future, and she is always there with some help or advice. She's been a pleasure to work with and I look forward to working with her on many more books. I can't thank her enough for all the hard work she does on my behalf :)

    Krista reps fiction as well as non-fiction, so if you are looking for an agent, I highly recommend her :) Be sure to head to her awesome new website to check out her submission guidelines and what she's looking for.

    Why are you thankful for agents? Is there any particular agent you'd like to send a thank you shout out to?

    NaNo stats: Okay, let's just say I'm thankful that I have a little bit of a cushion, even though it is rapidly dwindling. I am going to beef up these numbers today if it kills me, and it just well might, but dang it all, I'm gonna try! :) I pulled a measly 842 yesterday. *le sigh* I'm going to go clean my house real quick so I can get some actual writing done today :)

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Thankful for Agents Day - Thank You Krista Goering!

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