Monday, April 19, 2010

Happy Monday!

    Sorry for my recent lack of response to comments. I generally try to respond either by email or comment, but the last week has been HECTIC. My mom and sister and her family were visiting for most of the week, which was a blast! I haven't seen my sister in about 6 years, so I really enjoyed spending time with her. So, that part was fun, though I stayed off the computer :) But then the flu bug hit and has been making it's tummy-cramping way through my family. The kids are on the mend, but now it's my turn. Oh joy LOL

    In any case, please forgive me if I don't respond as much as I have been. Rest assured, I am reading and loving all of your comments, as always :)

    And now, I'm going to sign off for a bit and go back to bed :D I'll be back tomorrow! Happy Monday!!!

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Happy Monday!

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