Friday, April 2, 2010

Big Government Cartoon: Calorie Camera

    I had the idea for this big government cartoon after I heard about some state or city…..I think it was New York but not certain……talking about regulating table salt. That combined with the recent passage of the Health Care Bill made me think of a couple of things. It is my opinion that government will never be efficient because there really has never been any type of catalyst to require them to be efficient. If fact I would say that they are designed to be the exact opposite. The departments are given a budget based on political winds and if they don’t spend that budget in some manner they generally get less the next year so in order to look competent in this atmosphere a department needs to make sure that budget is spent in order to get that budget the next year and depending on the political winds possibly more. My point is this….Health care is important but given the inefficiency of the government system and the natural course of bloating that happens I can see this big government cartoon happening over time for nothing else than the need to spend a budget. Enjoy and have a great day.

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Big Government Cartoon: Calorie Camera

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