Friday, April 23, 2010

Friday Funnies and a Few Awards

    Happy Friday!!! First, a couple items of fun business :)

    I am guest blogging today on the blog of the fabulous Matthew Rush - so head over to The Quintessentially Questionable Query Experiment to check out the query for my one of my fiction projects. I ended up shelving the book, but received quite a few requests beforehand :)

    Annnd next up, AWARD TIME! I have been blessed to receive two fun awards in the last few weeks. The incredible Amanda Sabourova over at So Many Story Ideas, So Little Time passed the Creative Blogger Award to me.

    The rules - post six fabulous lies and two truths about myself. Now, as a writer of both fiction and non-fiction, I should be able to come up with six lies and two truths. But I'm telling you, this is harder than writing a query letter LOL Okay, here goes....

    1. My brother once told me I could get curly hair if I stuck eggbeaters in my hair. He was wrong - eggbeaters turned on high and placed in your hair will cause baldness, not curls. My mom had to cut most of my hair off to get them out.

    2. I have a small Celtic tattoo on my back that not even my mother knows about...unless she's reading this blog :D

    3. I know how to say "Shut up" "I'm going to spank your butt" and "Watch what you're saying, I speak Samoan" in Samoan...I used to know more, but I've forgotten everything else. But at least I remembered the important stuff :D

    4. My first fiance used to have entire conversations with me using only his eyebrows. Yes, I speak fluent eyebrow *takes a bow*

    5. My favorite t.v. show is Yo Gabba Gabba - I lie and say I'm taping it for the kids, but really, I sit up late at night when no one can see me and rock out to their awesome tunes.

    6. I spent nearly every summer of my childhood at Space Camp, determined to be an astronaut. I enrolled in the aeronautics program at my first college with great expectations. But, since I flunked out of all my math classes, was terrified of heights, and claustrophobic, my guidance counselor suggested I try something a little less...challenging. I should have stuck with the aeronautics program - it would have been easier.

    7. As a cheerleader at my high school, I got to the be top of the pyramid at the homecoming game. I fell. I decided not to be a cheerleader anymore. (See #6 regarding my fear of heights - this is where it alll started) :D

    8. I have a weird obsession with the number 3 - everything in my house is arranged in groups of 3, I buy fruit in multiples of 3, my children have 3 names, I always knock 3 times - I'm not crazy, I swear, I just like threes, so shoot me :D

    Okay - there you go - I will let you know next Friday which two are true :) You may leave your guesses in the comments. I'm sure you will all guess correctly :D

    I think I will pass this one on to:

    Stephanie McGee at Chronicles of a Novice Writer
    JEM at Can I Get a Side of Reality With That?
    Caledonia Lass at Writings, Musings, and Other Such Nonsense
    Zoe Courtman at No Letters on My Keyboard

    And, the lovely and talented Stina Lindenblatt at Seeing Creative gave me the Awesomesauce Award - thanks so much Stina!!!

    And, I think I'll pass this one on to a few awesome people:

    Lydia Kang at The word is my oyster
    Matthew Rush at The Quintessentially Questionable Query Experiment
    L.T. Elliot at Dreams of Quill and Ink
    Bonny Anderson
    and the ever awesome Christine Fonseca

    And now on to our Friday Funnies!

    "A writer is a person for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people." -Thomas Mann

    "After being turned down by numerous publishers, he had decided to write for posterity." -George Ade

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Friday Funnies and a Few Awards

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