Sunday, April 4, 2010

Author Spotlight Week

    First of all, Happy Easter!!!!!

    I've had this planned for a couple months now, but it goes along well with last week's authorly journey/pay it forward week that many of my friends participated in. In fact, I had so much fun doing that and preparing for this week that I've decided to make this a regular feature on my blog.

    So, the second week of every month will be Author Spotlight Week. We will get to know a new writer every month and have fun discussing a topic that is close to their hearts.

    For our first week, I've asked my very good friend, agent buddy, and crit partner, Christine Fonseca, to stop by.

    Christine is the author of Emotionally Intense (Prufrock 2011), a book discussing the characteristics and needs of gifted children. While reading this fabulous book, I recognized a lot of my own quirks. Christine and I have spoken a lot about how many of the creative people we know (writers, artists, etc) tend to be a little on the intense side, emotionally.

    Our conversations have been so interesting, especially in regards to how emotional intensity relates to writers and the act of writing, that I wanted to share this subject with all my wonderful readers.

    Christine, our resident emotionally intense expert, will stop by this week and discuss with us this very interesting topic.

    This will be the schedule for the week:

    Monday - Interview with the fabulous Christine
    Tuesday - 10 Word Tuesday brought to us by our emotionally intense guru
    Wednesday - a guest post by Christine - Intensity and Writing – A Match Made in Heaven…Maybe
    Thursday - 30 Word Thursday brought to us by Ms. Awesome, Christine :)
    Friday - Emotionally Intense Funnies

    I hope you all stop by this week and join us :) Christine has come up with some great quotes and you definitely don't want to miss her posts!

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Author Spotlight Week

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