Wednesday, April 21, 2010

WIP Wednesday

    Oh, my WIP.....oye. Okay, I have been enjoying the outlining, and I will continue to work on it. But, I have changed gears and am working on something else :D For two reasons. (We'll call the first project Project A and the new one Project B)

    1. While I am really liking the outlining thing, for Project A at least, some of the urgency that I had to write the story seems to have dissipated a bit in the process of getting down all the details for the outline. Now, I say for Project A, because I've written just as many notes for Project B and I haven't come across this problem yet. So, I'm thinking it is the project, not the outlining.

    2. There are two very different directions I can take Project A and I can't decide for the life of me where I want to go. I can't decide which side of the fence I want my MC on - which is a pretty big decision as who (or rather, what) she is determines the rest of the storyline. I have actually outlined both scenarios....and I just CAN'T decide. Which leaves me sitting in front of a blank screen pulling my hair out.

    And then, while researching for Project A I came across something else that sparked a new story idea, one I am VERY excited about; one that I still feel that urgency to write, even with all the notes and outlining.

    So :D Looks like I'll be working on the new idea instead. Though I do still really want to write the other WIP...and if I can ever figure out which way to take the story, I'll jump right on it LOL

    Has this ever happened to you? Have you been working on something and had an idea for something else that you just couldn't ignore?

    I'm excited, don't get me wrong. But I do feel incredibly guilty about Project A. Maybe I can keep working on a few notes here and there so it won't feel left out ;-)

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WIP Wednesday

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