Monday, April 26, 2010

Obsession Confession....

    I am addicted to books - as in SERIOUSLY addicted. Obsessed. When I'm in the middle of a good book, nothing else gets done. No housework, no writing, no really borders on the ridiculous, but I just can't help it.

    I just sent my kindergartener to school with a $20 bill...I'm terrified it won't make it there, but this week is his school Book Fair and I want him to be able to buy anything his little heart desires (though, looking over the prices, it may not be much, even with $20).

    Oh my - nostalgic visions of my own school book fairs dancing in my head.... *happy sigh*

    I had to refrain from sending the whole $60 I had in my wallet. He gets to go buy BOOKS. I'm all giddy just thinking about it. I could really blow entire paychecks on books. Sure, I'd feel guilty afterward, but the feeling would be muted by the absolute euphoria I experience when I'm eyeball-deep in an awesome story.

    In fact, I'm in the middle of reading a book now...which is why this post is later than usual and wasn't set up ahead of time as is normally the case - I was reading all weekend :D

    So, how about you? Are there any other crazy, book junkies out there? Can you get sucked into a good book and still function, or does the world shut down as you devour your latest treat?

    Please tell me I'm not alone.... :D

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Obsession Confession....

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