Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Intensity and Writing – A Match Made in Heaven…Maybe

    As promised, here is the guest post by our fabulous Christine Fonseca :)

    “The truly creative mind in any field is no more than this:

    A human creature born abnormally, inhumanly sensitive.
    To him...
    a touch is a blow,
    a sound is a noise,
    a misfortune is a tragedy,
    a joy is an ecstasy,
    a friend is a lover,
    a lover is a god,
    and failure is death.”

    – Pearl Buck

    This is my absolute favorite explanation of what it means to be creative. And intense. I have been immersed in the world of writing for more than a couple of years now, meeting writers in every genre and at every stage in their career. And I can say that pretty much everyone I have met is intense to some degree – they all live the above poem.

    I think emotional intensity refers to how a person interacts with their world. At its best, it enables the reader to bring the level of emotion to their stories that creates “voice”, it allows for connections between the reader and writer, between the writer and the world, and it gives the writer the perseverance and drive necessary to make it in this crazy business.

    But, at its worst, it becomes the internal turmoil that has the power to consume the writer from time to time – sometimes with highly dysfunctional and disastrous results.

    But good – or bad – it is ultimately who were are! The trick, learning to manage it.

    Learning to take the good aspects of intensity – the ability to fully suck the marrow from life and pour it onto the page – and manage it against the bad. Learning to balance the demands of a writer’s life – not to mention the crazy roller coaster ride of emotions that happens regardless of emotional intensity.

    Learning to harness the intensity into a tool for writing.

    Yep, managing emotional intensity is the key!

    What are your thoughts? Are you intense? Odds are really good that you are.


    Christine's Blog
    Growing Up Gifted Blog
    Christine's Website

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Intensity and Writing – A Match Made in Heaven…Maybe

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