Thursday, April 1, 2010

Blog Chain: Who Do You Write For?

    *first, a tiny confession: I HATE April Fool's Day. Having been the butt of many jokes, a whole day devoted to pranks, lies and practical jokes just isn't my idea of fun* 

    *and this ISN'T an April Fool's thing....I hate it* 

    *Really :D*

    Okay, enough of that - let's get to our blog topic! This time I get to pick the topic and it was really kind of hard for me. Not because I couldn't think of anything, but because I thought of too many things LOL I had a few ideas percolating, and ended up going with one that my awesome agent bud and total BFF Christine shared with me. It's actually something I've been doing a lot of thinking about lately and I'm curious as to how others writers feel. So, here it is. I want to know:

    Do you write for the market or for yourself? Why? Are there times you do both? Or times when you've written something specifically because it was "hot" at the moment? If so, how did it turn out?

    I'm really curious about this. I've certainly heard trends and thought, "Ooo it would be fun to write something like that and I've got a great idea with a hopefully new twist!"
    And followed through on it, writing a book specifically for that particular trend (my last book, for instance).

    I've had ideas that I loved, really wanted to write, that also happened to be a hot market item, though that wasn't my motivation (like my current WIP).

    And I've had story ideas that have nothing whatsoever to do with any trend or market hot topic (like my first book, or my other current WIP - which was hard for me to start, by the way, because it really is kind of different and I don't think anyone will ever want to see it - but I can't get it out of my head so *shrugs* what's a writer to do?) :)

    So how about you? Who or what do you write for? And why?

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Blog Chain: Who Do You Write For?

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