Monday, February 7, 2011

Monday Mayhem - Attack of the Killer Bedspread

    You know, you just never realize how important each and every finger is until you can't use one of them. Washing your hair...almost impossible. Getting dressed...insanely hard. Tying shoes? Not going to happen. Typing my usual 100 words a minute (okay, maybe 70) - yeah...I don't think so.

    I injured myself early Sunday morning....and not in a cool way. Oh no. I couldn't smash my finger building my kids the world's most awesome tree house (like one amazing writer/mom I know). Or maybe crush it while saving my child from a burning vehicle.

    Nope. Not me.

    I managed to rip off almost the entire nail of my left middle finger at 2 in the morning....while trying to pull the covers up.

    Yep, that's right. I was attacked by a big, soft, goose-feather-filled BLANKIE.

    Seriously, how embarrassing is that?

    My loving husband had pulled his usual "hog all the blankets and shove them under my body then fall into a state of sleep that is closer to dead than slumber so my wife can't get any warmth and almost freezes to death" routine and when I tried to dislodge them by yanking with all my pitiful might....somehow....the blankets stayed put and half of my nail went flying leaving behind (TMI coming up) a raw, sore, bloody mess.

    I found this irritating and inconvenient until I was getting ready for church and realized playing the piano for the children's Sunday School was going to be interesting sans middle is typing (though I'm doing considerably better than I expected) :D Though, I'm seriously considering taking some prenatal vitamins to speed up my nail growth because, um, OWWWW!

    In any case, :D just thought I'd share my ridiculous injury on this early Monday morning and send out a huge wish that everyone else's weekend went a little better than mine :)

    So, anyone else ever injure themselves in a totally humiliating, beyond ridiculous way? Or am I the only one who has killer blankets in my house? :D

    And stay tuned for Wednesday!!! We are going to have a fun I HAVE THE MOST AWESOME FOLLOWERS IN THE WORLD giveaway in which I may or may not be giving away some book awesomeness....lots of them! :D

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Monday Mayhem - Attack of the Killer Bedspread

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