Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Do What You Don't Want To Do And Get What You Want To Get

    This seems to be my mantra lately, but it's a good one. There's a lot of things I don't really want to do...but I want the end result. So *shrug* you do what you gotta do.

    Diet? Not fun. AT ALL. But I've been doing it anyways and doing really well. Cleaning my house?'s really nice waking up in the morning to an empty sink and not tripping over piles o' crap on my way down the stairs. Doing what I don't want to do has been getting me what I want to get. A size down in my jeans and a clean (mostly) house.

    So, I decided it was time to apply this to my writing.

    I love writing, I really do. But sometimes, a lot of times, it just feels like work. It's daunting thinking of the days and weeks of pouring out words that need to be edited and rearranged and cut and rewritten and edited again and again...and again. :)

    But the end result is so worth it. There is seriously no feeling in the world like looking at a clean, polished, finished manuscript - a story YOU wrote that you know is GOOD. It's just beyond awesome.

    I want that. I want that finished manuscript. I want to sell it and see it published.

    But to do that, I've got to put in the work. I need to do what I sometimes don't want to do if I want to get what I want to get.

    So....I guess it's back to the grindstone :)

    How are you guys doing on your projects? What do you do that you don't want to do in order to get what you want to get? (and how is that for a mouthful LOL)

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Do What You Don't Want To Do And Get What You Want To Get

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