Thursday, February 3, 2011

Super Huge Grand Prize Winner!!!

    I took all the comments from the entire blog tour, put them in a spreadsheet, and let handy dandy choose a number, and the winner of the super huge awesome Grand Prize Blog Tour Giveaway pictured below is.......*drumroll*.......

    Congrats!!! You've won everything you see in the picture below and a few things that aren't pictured there :D Just send me your addy to authormichellemclean(at)yahoo(dot)com and I'll get your prize basket out to you :D Don't forget to let me know which T-shirt you'd like (the one with the blue border or the floral swirlies).

    Thanks so much to everyone who commented on the tour stops, and sent me congratulations and support. Ya'all are just awesome, no other word for it :)

Post Title

Super Huge Grand Prize Winner!!!

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Visit short emo haircuts for Daily Updated Wedding Dresses Collection

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