Thursday, February 24, 2011

Blog Chain - Literary Love

    My turn on the old Bloggin' Chain :D The ever awesome Shaun picked this topic. Since the chain started on Valentine's Day, Shaun wanted to know:

    Who is your favorite literary couple?

    This one was actually tougher for me to answer than I thought it would be. For me, it's a tie. Between:

    Alex and Rane from

    and Jamie and Claire from

    I don't know if it's because both of the series are really long so you get to spend a lot of time with the characters or what, but both of these couples are just the epitome of devotion, passion, and undying love to me. Alex and Claire are both feisty, strong women and Rane and Jamie (a smuggler among other things and a Scottish Highland lord and outlaw and smuggler respectively (hmmm maybe I just have a thing for smugglers?)) are swoon-worthy. Just amazing couples, amazing stories, love love love them!!

    Stop by Eric's blog to check out his answer from yesterday and head on over to Margie's on the 26th to see who she loves! :)

    Who is your favorite literary couple?

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Blog Chain - Literary Love

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