Monday, February 21, 2011

Cut the Bitter and Give Me the Sweet

    So I just finished a completely awesome book, but the ending was bittersweet...with a heavy emphasis on the bitter. And I'm just not sure how I feel about that :)

    One the one hand, the book was WONDERFUL. I read it in a day and a half, couldn't put it down, LOVED it. I'm still thinking about it, have been all day, which really tells you how good it was.


    It didn't have that Happily Ever After ending that I love so much. Now, the ending fit the book. It worked. And there is an opening for a sequel where all could be made right (though I don't think there is one). However...argh. I just want a happy ending!

    For the same reason I pretty much stick to romantic comedies with the occasional action flick that ends nicely. When I take time out of my day to read or watch a movie, I want to come away HAPPY. I don't want to be sad about the characters I've grown to love. I'm all for torturing them throughout the book, but when I turn that last page, I want there to be smiles all around.

    What can I say? I'm a total sap :D Now, I'm good with stories like The Hunger Game series. I mean, it really needed to end the way it did, and in the end *spoiler alert if you haven't read it* Katniss does end up with a good man who loves her and she does find some peace. So, I'm not saying that it has to be all sunshine and rainbows.

    But man...give me a little bit LOL

    What kind of endings do you prefer? Are you okay with less than happily ever after endings? How much less?

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Cut the Bitter and Give Me the Sweet

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