Thursday, February 17, 2011

Being a Social Networking Writer

    I missed the blog chain last time around, but the question was about social I good at it, what do I like to do, what don't I like to do, etc.

    It's a good question. Social networking is just a part of being an author nowadays it seems. Though I know (or know of) plenty of "big name" authors who don't do the social networking thing. Or hire someone else to do it for them :D

    But aside from building your name and online presence, there are some great advantages to social networking. For me, the biggest perk has been the awesome people I've met. The writing community is truly one of the most giving, generous, helpful, and just all around fun group of people I've ever had the pleasure to be a part of. I have met some truly amazing people. And it is soooo fun to walk into a bookstore and see books written by people I actually know on the shelves :)

    As for what I do for social networking, what I like and don't like :

    Blogging - this is what I'm best at and enjoy the most. I love reading blogs (though I'm terrible at commenting) and I've really enjoyed building my blog and posting on it every day.

    Facebook - I love being able to pop on and see how everyone is doing, what everyone is up to. The vast majority of my friends and family live in other states, so Facebook is one of the main ways we stay in touch. And it's great for checking up on my writing peeps and posting updates about my books.

    Twitter - I'm terrible at Twitter. Twitter scares me LOL I'm starting to get into it, but really, for the most part, it's just a mystery to me. I finally figured out the whole @mentions thing, and I have a post from the awesome Mr. Nathan Bransford on how to use Twitter bookmarked so I can peruse it and try to figure everything out. But I'm definitely a Twitter newbie.

    How about you? What are your favorite or least favorite aspects of social networking?

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Being a Social Networking Writer

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