Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Tons of Wednesday Awesomeness!

    All right....we've got some fun stuff going on this month!!!

    First off, thank you all so much for all your support during my Blog Tour. It was a blast! And...I've got a bonus day for you :D Today I will be joining the lovely ladies at the QueryTracker Blog so head on over and say hi!

    I will announce the winner of the super, huge Grand Prize Blog Tour Giveaway Basket TOMORROW!!

    And over on the Operation Awesome Blog, we have a whole month of follower love planned to celebrate reaching 300 followers and because it's Valentine's and all :D We just had our Mystery Agent Contest, so stay tuned for the winner. And maybe for a little extra fun for all the participants.

    We'll also be having awesome giveaways ALL MONTH LONG so keep an eye on the posts :D

    Annnnd somewhere along my blog tour, I hit 500 followers :D So, I'm thinking we need to do something fun to celebrate. Stay tuned next week for a special treat :D

    I hope everyone has an awesome Wednesday. I am once again stuck in my house with my children who are having a SECOND snow day in a row. They are thrilled....I am less so LOL So, because I need a little smile (and I need to get my butt in gear and get back to work on my novel) here's a little Jackson Pearce with a little tough love to make you smile today :)

    How is everyone else doing out there today? Anyone else snowed or iced in? Anyone making progress on those projects?

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Tons of Wednesday Awesomeness!

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