Thursday, January 20, 2011

It's Launch Day!!! Let the Blog Tour Begin!

    Welcome to Homework Helpers: Essays and Term Papers Blog Tour!!

    We've got an awesome first day! I am thrilled to be hosted today by the absolutely amazing

    Christine Fonseca
    Elana Johnson
    Bethany Wiggins and Suzette Wiggins
    and Lisa Amowitz

    Starting today, every commenter along the blog tour will get an automatic entry for the huge Grand Prize Swag Basket! For every stop you comment on, you get another entry (one entry per stop). So if you visit each of the lovely ladies listed above, and LEAVE A COMMENT ON THEIR POST, you'll receive four entries for today.

    At the end of the tour, I'll draw a name to select the winner :)

    There will be several other opportunities to win copies of my book and swag bags along the way as many of my blog tour hosts will be featuring their own giveaways. I'll post each stop every morning and will also keep a running tab of them in the Blog Tour Giveaway tab above. Links for the giveaways and the Blog Tour stops will go live once the actual posts are up.

    I hope you all join me for the tour! I'm being hosted by some really amazing people. It's going to be a blast!

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It's Launch Day!!! Let the Blog Tour Begin!

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