Monday, January 24, 2011

New Idea Hit and Run

    Today's Blog Tour Stops:

    Amanda Bonilla
    K.M. Weiland

    How is everyone doing this fine Monday morning? I'm...not so hot LOL My darling son was sick all week last week and decided to share with Momma so I'm feeling a bit run over. Which means instead of doing something productive, I've been spending a lot of time staring off into space.

    What happens when a writer stares into space for too long?


    Now, don't get me wrong...I love me some story ideas. But I've got two non-fiction proposals to finish by the end of the month, a novel WIP already in progress (well, two actually, but one is sort of close to getting finished) and a whole file full of ideas already.

    But I really like this one :D However, it's just going to have to wait. Notes have been taken, a file has been created, but *le sigh* I won't be able to work on it for at least a few months.

    What do you do when an awesome idea that you just totally love presents itself while you are in the midst of other projects?

    Don't forget to stop by Amanda and Katie's today and leave a comment! The more stops you hit, the more entries you get for that super awesome Grand Prize Basket which I swear on the breath in my poor aching lungs I will get up later today :D

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New Idea Hit and Run

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