Monday, January 10, 2011

When A Little Becomes Too Much

    So, I just finished reading the newest book in one of my favorite series. I loved it, as I've loved all the books, devoured it in a day and a half (only because I started reading it on a weekend and didn't have as many kid-free reading hours), it was as awesome as all the previous books and as all the future books will be (I'm sure).


    There were several instances in the book where some other books and movies were mentioned. I was amused at first, but then there was another reference (to another book), and then another one (this one to an older movie so they had to sort of explain it), and then another book  (again, with too much explanation...though I suppose kids younger than me *coughcough* might need the explanation), and another, etc, etc. There were quite a few.

    Now, it wasn't the fact that these other books were mentioned that bothered me. It's kind of funny the first time a rival series is mentioned. But mentioning two or Kind of like telling the same joke over and over.

    As for the movie, it was a very popular movie that came out in the 90s. I dunno...I figure if you have to have a line after the "punch line" explaining who was in the movie or what it was about, then it kind of kills the purpose of having it in, you know? Plus, I've heard you shouldn't put specific media references in for that exact reason. Because a decade from now, a kid reading your book won't know who Brad Pitt is or what kind of show Friends was, so the reference won't make sense.

    Then again, the kids reading it the day it comes out might get it.

    What do you think? Should you include specific media references or drop other book's names in your novel? Pros? Cons?

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When A Little Becomes Too Much

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