Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Product Placement

    --Blog Tour kicks off tomorrow! Getting a jump start over at the fabulous Christine Fonseca's blog with an interview. Go check it out! :) And the awesome Amparo over at the OA is having a contest to win a copy of my book and some fun swag....winner announced tomorrow! Go enter!

    I've been answering a lot of questions lately about promotion...what I'm doing to help promote my book specifically. Now, my book is a non-fiction book about writing, so when it comes to promotional items I did writing type stuff: bookmarks, pens, that kind of thing. But it got me thinking about the fun promo stuff fiction authors get to do.

    - Jessica Verday has perfumes that go along with the characters in her Hollow books (her MC makes perfumes)
    - Beth Revis has some awesome Godspeed swag for Across the Universe
    - You can get jewelry with the Mockingjay design from the Hunger Games series
    - You can get jewelry depicting the different years for the House of Night series
    - You can get everything under the sun Twilight and Harry Potter

    So I'm curious....when writing your books, do you ever do "product placement"? Do you have your MC wear a favorite necklace that you know would be a cool promo item if your book ever hits the shelves? Do you design a special logo for your MCs rebel alliance that you know would look on awesome on everything from T-shirts to coffee mugs?

    It's not something I used to think about when writing, but with the growing necessity for authors to promote their own books, and especially over the past year or so as I've been focused on promoting my own book, it has become more present in my mind as I write.

    Does it ever cross your minds?

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Product Placement

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