Saturday, February 27, 2010

Snowman Christmas Desktop Wallpaper, Snowman Christmas Desktop Pictures

    Snowman is the beauty of christmas holidays when everyone enjoys making snowman with the snow and the art of playing with snow. Use the collection of snowman christmas desktop wallpaper to make your screen feel chilled with cool winter look and scene of nature's beauty. Download these snowman backgrounds for free to beautify your desktops.
    snowman face christmas pictures for desktopsSnowman Christmas Desktop WallpaperSnowman Christmas Desktop Backgrounds

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Snowman Christmas Desktop Wallpaper, Snowman Christmas Desktop Pictures

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Christmas Tree Desktop Wallpapers, Christmas Tree Desktop Pictures

    keep a decorated christmas tree in your drawing room to give everyone a warm welcome and spread flavor of christmas holidays. Try surfing our latest brunch of christmas tree desktop wallpapers to keep that glowing decorated look of christmas alive and beautiful with the pine trees having colorful balls, ornaments, stars, ribbons, lights and more glittering stuff. Access these christmas tree desktop wallpapers to decorate your desktop screens.
    Christmas Tree Desktop WallpapersChristmas Tree Desktop ThemesChristmas Tree Desktop Backgrounds

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Christmas Tree Desktop Wallpapers, Christmas Tree Desktop Pictures

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Work Humor: If work is so awesome

    I am working on the subject of work humor, office humor and anything generally in that category of funny. This is one of the ideas that I came up with. I have a bunch more to work on so keep checking in every once in a while and hopefully there will be something that tickles your funny bone. Enjoy and have a great day.

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Work Humor: If work is so awesome

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Friday, February 26, 2010

So Close to Winner Number 2!

    Only 10 more followers needed at Papers, Prose and Poetry and I'll add a prize for a second winner! I'm thinking something literary....or critiquey......only one way to find out!!

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So Close to Winner Number 2!

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Friday Funnies

    An English professor wrote the words
    "A woman without her man is nothing"
    on the chalkboard and asked his students to punctuate it correctly.

    All of the males in the class wrote:
    "A woman, without her man, is nothing."

    All the females in the class wrote:
    "A woman: without her, man is nothing."


    The English Language

    Have you ever wondered why foreigners have trouble with the English Language?

    Let's face it
    English is a stupid language.
    There is no egg in the eggplant
    No ham in the hamburger
    And neither pine nor apple in the pineapple.
    English muffins were not invented in England
    French fries were not invented in France.

    We sometimes take English for granted
    But if we examine its paradoxes we find that
    Quicksand takes you down slowly
    Boxing rings are square
    And a guinea pig is neither from Guinea nor is it a pig.

    If writers write, how come fingers don't fing.
    If the plural of tooth is teeth
    Shouldn't the plural of phone booth be phone beeth
    If the teacher taught,
    Why didn't the preacher praught.

    If a vegetarian eats vegetables
    What the heck does a humanitarian eat!?
    Why do people recite at a play
    Yet play at a recital?
    Park on driveways and
    Drive on parkways

    You have to marvel at the unique lunacy
    Of a language where a house can burn up as
    It burns down
    And in which you fill in a form
    By filling it out
    And a bell is only heard once it goes!

    English was invented by people, not computers
    And it reflects the creativity of the human race
    (Which of course isn't a race at all)

    That is why
    When the stars are out they are visible
    But when the lights are out they are invisible
    And why it is that when I wind up my watch
    It starts
    But when I wind up this observation,
    It ends. 

    (found on Aha! Jokes. Click HERE for original site) 

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Friday Funnies

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Lacey Brown Hairstyle

    Credit: Michael Becker/FOX

    Lacey Brown, I love the look, soulfoul voice, she's cute and I love her hair too.
    Her rendition of "What a Wonderful World" from Hollywood round was great and very endearing and what a great attitude about not getting through last year. I really liked Megan Joy (who got thru instead of her) but Megan didn't quite deliver although she was good. I'm glad Lacey was given another chance this week. Some people say her hairstyle is called "The Suspicious Duchess".

    Must Watch - What A Wonderful World

    Lacey Brown - Somewhere Over the Rainbow Audition

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Lacey Brown Hairstyle

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Thursday, February 25, 2010

Hurry and Enter

    Only four more days to enter the contest!! If we can get to 50 followers on the Papers, Prose and Poetry blog, I'll toss in a prize for a second winner! :D

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Hurry and Enter

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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

No Tears, No Dice


    I may have posted this quote before, but I think it is awesome enough for a second run.

    What lasts in the reader's mine is not the phrase but the effect the 
    phrase created: laughter, tears, pain, joy. 
    If the phrase is not affecting the reader, what's it doing there? 
    Make it do its job or cut it without mercy or remorse.
    ~ Isaac Asimov

    I love, LOVE, this quote. Cutting material is one of the hardest parts of writing. Especially when the stuff you are cutting isn't bad. Sometimes it's really good stuff! But it may not be doing its job for one reason or another and has to go.

    When I started out writing (for the purpose of publication, in any case), I had pages - a LOT of pages -  that I needed to cut in order to get the pace of my story moving. It wasn't bad stuff. Most of it was description. Really beautiful description (if I do say so myself *ahem*). But it didn't do anything for the story. It wasn't needed to help the plot along. In fact, I was describing rooms of a house that the character would never go in. It certainly didn't evoke any kind of response in my readers, except perhaps boredom, which I REALLY wasn't going for.

    So, it got cut.

    Now, that was a more clear cut case - but I've had instances that weren't as easy to spot. I had a conversation in my last book that I really loved. I thought it was funny and showed a playful moment between two of my characters. It didn't move the plot along - meaning, it wasn't introducing any new information about the stsoryline. But I ended up leaving it in the book, with a few tweaks. I did change it up a bit so that there were some plot-moving elements. The main reason I left it in the story was because, after taking a poll of all my readers, I found it was evoking the response I was going for. The parts of the conversation that weren't helping to evoke that response got cut. The stuff that worked, stayed.

    Have you had material that you've really loved that you had to cut because it wasn't producing the desired response?  Were you able to save it or did it end up in the great red-marked chop pile in the sky?

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No Tears, No Dice

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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

St. Patrick’s Day Cartoon: Almost had it

    I was working on St. Patrick’s Day cartoons and ideas for St. Patrick’s Day gear like beer mugs, cards and stuff like that. I did a cartoon a couple of years ago with a Leprechaun that was on one side of a cliff and his pot of gold on the other and called it “So Close”. People seemed to like it so I thought the general idea of a Leprechaun almost getting the pot of gold was a good idea to start from. This cartoon is a result of trying to think of other scenarios that might be funny if I stuck with that same general idea.

    While on the subject of Leprechauns and St. Patrick’s Day I was wondering why anyone would want to drink green beer. It seems to be a common theme during that holiday so I thought I would look it up on line. Turns out that according to the answers I found out on line it was something that has its origins here in America. I guess someone thought it would be a good marketing gimmick and it took off from there. I am guessing that trying to turn a stout Irish beer like “Guinness” green would take a heck of a lot of food coloring. Anyway, enjoy the cartoon and have a great day.

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St. Patrick’s Day Cartoon: Almost had it

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Funny posters

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Funny posters

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Ten Word Tuesday

    News comes in good or bad; today, praying for good!

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Ten Word Tuesday

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Monday, February 22, 2010

Cool Emo Boys Hairstyles 2008 Winter

    Here are some hot emo boys' emo pictures

    Hot emo boys

    Hot emo boys

    Hot emo boys

    fashion emo boy

    Hot emo boys

    am i emo????

    Hot emo boys

    fashion emo guys

    YHot emo boys

    just emo. so sexy this emo boys! especially his hairstyle!

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Cool Emo Boys Hairstyles 2008 Winter

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Celebration Contest!


    Well, my fabulous readers, I believe I promised you a contest :)

    How about a super easy contest with lots of opportunities for extra entries?

    How To Enter:

    To enter the contest, simply leave me a comment on this post. You can say anything you want, just a quick "hi!" (try and keep it nice though ;-D ) and that's it! You are entered!

    Extra Entry Opportunities:

    1. Be or become a follower of this blog = 1 extra entry

    2. Blog it, tweet it, Facebook it, or MySpace it = 1 extra entry per announcement = 4 possible extra entries

    3. Put it on your blog's sidebar = 2 extra entries

    4. Be or become a follower of my other blog, Papers, Prose, and Poetry (click HERE or on the link in the sidebar) = 5 extra entries

    That is a grand total of 12 possible extra entries  :D

    Leave me your tally with links to your posts in your comment. Everyone will go on to a spread sheet and a handy random number generator will choose the winner.

    And now for the prizes (drum roll please......)

    One lucky winner will win:

    A query critique from my ever awesome agent, Krista Goering

    A copy of the incredible Query Queen Elana Johnson's e-book - From the Query to the Call


    A $20 dollar gift card to Barnes and Noble.

    Depending on the response, I may just have to throw something else fabulous into the prize pot :)

    So hurry and enter!!!! I will be accepting entries for one week, from today, Monday Feb 22nd, until midnight on Monday March 1st.

    The winner will be announced on Tuesday, March 2nd.

    Happy Entering Everyone!!

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Celebration Contest!

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Stayed Tuned.....

    Working on a couple contest details - I will get everything up in just a bit! :)

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Stayed Tuned.....

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Sunday, February 21, 2010

Easter Cartoon: Reality Check

    I did this cartoon as a result of Easter being around the corner. Enjoy and have a great day.

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Easter Cartoon: Reality Check

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Saturday, February 20, 2010

Blog Chain: Creating New Worlds

    Blog Chain time again! This round's topic was chosen by the ever awesome Cole, who wanted to know:

    How do you get inside your character's world?

    You know, to be honest, I read this question and my first thought was "I don't know! I just do!"

    So I had to take a second and think about what I do when I start writing and building that world. I think at first, I just sort of have an idea of how things are. A character, a storyline pop into my head and they are a part of a world. I explore that world as I write. With each scene, the world gets a little more detailed as my character's go different places and experience different things.

    I'll get to spots where I need to research something, details about what could or would be in the world in which my character lives (were there toilets in 1855? Does it snow in Nevada? What would a 200 year old tombstone look like?)

    I love researching the details. It makes my worlds come alive and helps me create something real and fantastic.

    I do find pictures that are similar to my character's world. I'll often use these as my desktop picture, just to keep me in the right mood. For example, my latest book has a pyramid of rocks as one of the key locations - there is an actual Pyramid Rock in Nevada that I use in my book. I did change things about it...exactly where it is set, etc. But my storyline revolves more around things Egyptian. So I have a picture of the Giza Pyramids as my desktop background....because they get me in the right mind frame.

    I will often see locations and think "ooooo that would make such a cool location for a story!" Like the Pyramid Rock. Or the cemetery next door to my house. When I find locations like that, I do try to take or find pictures of them because they often will trigger storylines and scenes. I don't describe them exactly as they are in real life. They are more like the starting point for my storyworld. So it's never exact.

    And I never do this for my actual characters. I might see someone in real life that has the same features as one of my characters. And I might see someone that I think might be a cool character in a book. But I don't think I've ever seen someone and thought "Ooo, that is my character!" It's more often going to be something like "Ooo, that guy has the same hair and eyes as Bryant" or something along those lines. I'm not sure why, but I think trying to describe something I'm looking at is harder for me than describing something I'm seeing in my own mind.

    As I do revisions and rewrites, my characters and their world become more detailed, more vivid, more real to me. I learn more about them and their surroundings. It's sort of like in the first draft is our first meeting. I had a vague idea of who and where they were, but the more we meet, the more I get to know them and their world. And that helps to make revisions a little more fun and exciting...knowing that I'm going to come across something new and interesting about my storyworld. :)

    How about you? How do you get into your characters' worlds? Do you find pictures of people and places or go by that fun movie playing in your head?

    If you haven't read it yet, head over to Sandra's blog for her take on the subject and be sure to visit Kat tomorrow to see how she gets inside her characters' worlds :)

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Blog Chain: Creating New Worlds

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Friday, February 19, 2010

Friday Funnies.....And A Little Announcement

    Okay, first off, my fun news.....Career Press will be publishing my book, HOMEWORK HELPERS: Essays and Term Papers in Dec 2010/Jan 2011. The sale was announced in Publisher's Marketplace on Wednesday.

    I am absolutely beyond thrilled :) And I want to send a huge THANK YOU to my wonderful agent, Krista Goering. She has been an absolute dream - keeping me involved and informed throughout everything, being encouraging, supportive, available no matter what I might need, and a delight to work with. She's an amazing agent and this never would have happened without her. :)

    Now, I think we are in need of a little celebration :D How about a nice little contest with some fun prizes? Gift cards and free books, anyone? :D

    Come back on Monday for all the details!!!!

    And now back to our regularly schedule Friday Funnies :D

    Q. How many writers does it take to change a light bulb?

    A. But why do we have to CHANGE it?

    Q. How many editors does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

    A. Only one; but first they have to rewire the entire building.

    Q. How many copyeditors does it take to change a light bulb?

    A. The last time this question was asked, it involved art
    directors. Is the difference intentional? Should one or the other instance be changed? It seems inconsistent.

    Happy Weekend Everyone!

    (Jokes were found HERE)

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Friday Funnies.....And A Little Announcement

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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Dog Cartoon: Don't even think about it.

    I did this cartoon as a result of just goofing around with drawing a fire hydrant at first then the dog and ideas for birthday cards came as a result of that. Enjoy and have a great day.

    Birthday Card

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Dog Cartoon: Don't even think about it.

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Emo Myspace Backgrounds Wallpapers

    emo myspace backgrounds
    myspace backgrounds

    emo myspace backgrounds
    emo myspace backgrounds

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Emo Myspace Backgrounds Wallpapers

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Monday, February 15, 2010

Unplugged for a Bit

    Okay all...I think I am going to do an Unplugged Week....or at least an Unplugged Couple of Days :D I am having a Monday and it seems to have started somewhere over the weekend and will probably extend for the next several days due to a few creative upsets (though these aren't necessarily bad, just time consuming) and some real life stuff going on this week that is a bit on the stressful/anxious side. So. I am going to take a few days and focus on some stuff :D and I'll be back next week hopefully chipper and smiling :D

    I will be posting Friday Funnies though, cause, well...I like 'em :D

    Also, I promised to have my 12 picks for the Sunshine Award up today, and you know, I really can't pick. Every time I get a new follower, every time someone posts a wonderful comment, and every time I find an awesome new blog or read one of the hundreds I already follow, a bright ray of sunshine lights up my day.

    So if you are reading this, the award is yours. (The song You Are My Sunshine is now floating through my head) :D Thanks so much to all my followers, readers, commenters, and authors of all the awesome blogs I enjoy. Happy Monday everyone!!! I'll be back in a few :)

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Unplugged for a Bit

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Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day

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Happy Valentine's Day

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Saturday, February 13, 2010

Birthday Cartoon: A Big Hit

    I was working on a bunch of piƱata birthday card ideas and it occurred to me that the piƱatas mama must get pretty upset when her baby comes home from every party having to go to urgent care from the beating. That’s where this one came from. Enjoy and have a great day.

    Funny Birthday Card

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Birthday Cartoon: A Big Hit

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Friday, February 12, 2010

Emo Hairstyles For Long Hair - Girl Emo Hairstyles

    Here are some great examples of long emo haires for girls. Just remember one easy tip: Emo Hair can be worn black, dark brown, blond, or any other color - as long as your emo haire is expressive!!

    EMO haires For Long Girl Emo Haires

    Long hair Girl Emo hairstyles

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Emo Hairstyles For Long Hair - Girl Emo Hairstyles

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Friday Funnies

    First off, I wanted to say a huge thanks to the very sweet Cher Green, who presented me with the Sunshine Award a few days ago. Thank you so much, Cher! Be sure to check out Cher's Tarot Guidance blog and her writing blog, Footsteps of a Writer. I am supposed to pass the award on to 12 bloggers, which I will do first thing on Monday, but I didn't want to let another day go by without acknowledging Cher's very kind gift :) Thanks again!!!

    And now for our Friday Funnies! Happy Weekend everyone!!!

    “Nostalgia is like a grammar lesson: You find the present tense and the past perfect”

    “Grammar is the grave of letters” ~ Elbert Hubbard

    “When a thought takes one's breath away, a grammar lesson seems an impertinence.” ~Thomas W. Higginson

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Friday Funnies

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Thursday, February 11, 2010

motivational posters

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motivational posters

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Blog Chain: My Favorite Mistake

    This round's topic was chosen by the lovely Rebecca who wanted to know:

    What is the best mistake you've made so far in your journey as a writer? How has that mistake helped you grow :)? 

    Well, as most of the other awesome people in our chain have mentioned, I've made them all, some of them repeatedly. One of my biggest mistakes, one I still struggle not to make again, is jumping the gun. I get a project finished and I want to send it off the same day. It is torture for me to wait until it is really ready to send out. Fortunately, I have wonderful crit partners who slap my hand away from the Send button :) But I have definitely blown more than a few awesome opportunities by sending out something that wasn't ready.

    However, despite the sometimes spectacular mistakes I make, I think the worst one (or the best) was when I quit. Now, in my defense, life had thrown me a huge curve ball. My daughter was born two months early and spent the first seven weeks of her life in the hospital - which was 45 minutes away from where we lived (if there was no traffic). My husband was working 90 + hours a week at the time and we also had a two year old that needed my attention.

    So, I definitely had cause to take a nice long break. But I let that break drag on for two years. I had a novel that I was a few chapters from finishing. It was my first book, and when I started it, I was totally in love with it. I couldn't wait for my son's nap time every day so I could dive back in. 

    Over those two years, I thought about it often, wanted to get back to it, and then found an excuse not to. Eventually, I sat down and finished just a few weeks. And I was hooked again. Have been ever since. And I'll never make that mistake again. Writing gives me something I just can't get from any other aspect of my life. It lets me escape into another world. I can exercise my brain, challenge my abilities, indulge in my love of learning and creating and reading and so many other things.

    I've met incredible people, some of whom are now my closest friends. And I've become ME. Before, I was my husband's wife, my children's mother, my parents' daughter. I had degrees, I had jobs, and hobbies and friends. But I didn't know who I was yet. I was still searching for what I wanted to be when I grew up :)

    When I started that first book, I got a taste of it. I got a glimpse of the person I could be, of the life I could have. And then I let other things get in the way. Important things, yes. Unavoidable things, of course. But I let it go on too long. I talked myself into believing that everything and everyone else was more important. And you know, sometimes they are. And that's okay.

    But I will never make the mistake of letting YEARS go by without writing again. It's too much a part of me now. I am glad I made the mistake of giving up - because now I know what's at stake and I'll never do it again :)

    What about you? What is your best mistake?

    Be sure to check out the fabulous Bonny's answer before mine and stop by Shaun's blog tomorrow to find out what his best mistake is. 

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Blog Chain: My Favorite Mistake

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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Birthday Cartoon: CSI PiƱata

    I was working on different birthday card ideas and thinking of the different things that happen as a result of birthdays. There is the getting older thing that everyone is reminded of around birthdays and the parties that happen as a result. I started to think about the games that people play during birthday celebrations and started thinking about piƱatas. I had the T.V. on while goofing around with words and sketching ideas and the show CSI came on, the original one, which is my favorite one. It occurred to me that the act of smacking a paper donkey, or whatever a piƱata happens to be, is a little violent in nature. The word “violent” led to criminal act and that was it. If a criminal violent act had taken place you would have to have the CSI crew there to help figure out the why, when and how of the event. That is basically how this piƱata birthday cartoon came to life. Enjoy and have a great day.

    Birthday Card

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Birthday Cartoon: CSI PiƱata

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The Emo Subculture

    Emo, is a term which is given to the subculture of hardcore punk and pop, which originated from the Washington DC area, but which later spread like wildfire to the rest of the US and also to other parts of the world. Emo has since evolved into a musical and fashion experience which is embraced by quite a number of young adherents.

    The word “Emo” actually originated from the term "emocore" which refers to the hardcore punk music scene which started in the mid-1980s. The term is a variation of the word "emotive hardcore", which is what the bands in the DC area sounded like. They have developed a unique punk-rock style of music, which blended the characteristics of the electric guitar with smooth sounded mellow tracks, which are typically screamed from the top of the lungs, hence the term emotive hardcore. Amongst the bands which pioneered this genre were groups such as One Last Wish, Embrace, Fire Party and Moss Icon.

    The Emo subculture is also heavily influenced by the Indie scene, with the likes of people such as Fugazi heading off the first wave of Emo, with bands which included Far and Texas Is The Reason, which pumped Indie music into the Emo subculture.

    The sound feels more like a chaotic blend of instruments laced with emotional singing which emanates deep inside the lungs. This attracts crowds of young people. Their chants and raves have become characteristic as far as Emo concerts are concerned. These concerts have in turn become some of the most vibrant in the entire rock industry.

    The Emo culture is not all about music however. There are fashion statements and stereotypes associated with the Emo subculture which spread to other facets of culture. Black is considered the color of choice in the Emo universe and it permeates almost all aspects of the Emo dress code. The hair is typically dyed jet-black, and in some instances it is spiked and can contain other colors as well. For the ladies, black nail polish is also widely used. In the Emo world, make-up is utilized by both males and females.

    There is now a wide range of products which cater to the needs of the Emo subculture. Cities such as Austin have fully embraced it and have great places which have an Emo theme such as restaurants, record stores and other joints. It is now common to even see special clothing lines, merchandise, toys and even TV programs and movies. Today, the Emo subculture has caught influences from both pop and rock and is beginning to be accepted as a lifestyle choice.

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The Emo Subculture

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Over Exaggerate? Moi?

    This morning, my husband had an epiphany. I had made some comment about how he hadn't taken the garbage out once the whole time we've lived in this house (not entirely true, but close - though it's not his fault...he just hasn't been home on trash day in a while...though of course I left that bit out ;-D ) and then a short while later made some other comment about how in 10 years of marriage, I'd never seen him not put salt on something he was eating.

    He sat there for a second and I could literally see the light bulb go on over his head. He grinned at me and said, "I just figured it out. Writers exaggerate."

    I just broke down laughing.

    Do writers exaggerate? Um's sort of in our job description, at least if you write fiction (exaggerating is sort of a major no-no in non-fiction).

    However, I do try not to exaggerate too much in my real life. But you know what? That is sooo much easier said than done. After I sat and thought about it for a minute, I realized I really do exaggerate, a lot. I'm not just cold, I'm freezing to death. The bookcase I put together wasn't difficult, putting it together required a degree in rocket science. My kids aren't irritating me a little, they are driving me insane :D I didn't wake up three times with my daughter in the middle of the night, I was up ALL NIGHT LONG.

    For a second, I felt a little bad about this. I'm an honest person. I mean, I have a really hard time lying. In fact, I tend to giggle a bit when I try to do it and my face turns red. But after a bit more reflection, I decided that exaggerating the regular occurrences in my life isn't a bad thing. Like I said, I'm honest. I don't exaggerate on my taxes or in any serious aspects of life.

    But when it comes to describing my mood or the more routine things going on, yeah, I like to spice it up a little :) Why not? It makes things more fun, more interesting. There might be 8 inches of snow in my front yard, but darn it, if I'm going to bother mentioning it, then we are BURIED. Are there a few toys on the floor? Nope. The house is DESTROYED. Am I having a bit of a bad hair day? Not at all. My hair is so horrible I'm just going to shave my head :D

    So how about you, my fine writer friends? Do you tend to exaggerate? Or do you just call it exactly as you see it?

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Over Exaggerate? Moi?

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Wolfman Cartoon: Coffee Now

    I had the idea for this wolfman cartoon character while watching the trailer for the new wolfman movie due out soon. I was thinking that wolfman must be a cranky sort after going through all that painful looking change they go through. The I thought it must be a little like someone who has not had there daily fix of caffeine. Well sort of like that I mean. Enjoy the wolfman cartoon and have a great day.

    Werewolf Coffee Mug

    Wolfman Coffee Mug

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Wolfman Cartoon: Coffee Now

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Monday, February 8, 2010

A Little Monday Surprise

    Happy Monday!

    First up, my wonderful friend and crit partner, Christine, awarded me with the Prolific Blogger Award. I am beyond thrilled, thanks so much, Christine!

    The award originally comes from this blog.  And it comes with rules:
    1. Every winner of the Prolific Blogger Award has to pass on this award to at least seven other deserving prolific bloggers. Spread some love!
    2. Each Prolific Blogger must link to the blog from which he/she has received the award.  (Check out Christine's Blog Here!!)
    3. Every Prolific Blogger must link back to This Post, which explains the origins and motivation for the award.
    4. Every Prolific Blogger must visit this post and add his/her name in the Mr. Linky, so that we all can get to know the other winners.

    And now the hard (I'm a terrible commenter but I lurk on a LOT of blogs) :D though fun part, my seven picks, in no particular order:

    1. Lisa Amowitz over at Why A?
    2. Jenni James
    3. Steph Bowe at Hey! Teenager of the Year
    4. Elle Strauss
    5. Rebecca Sutton at Sometimes Nonsense
    6. Kiersten White at Kiersten Writes
    7. Sherrie Petersen at Write About Now

    And here is the awesome award:

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A Little Monday Surprise

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Sunday, February 7, 2010

Quality Cartoon: Toyota and the rest

    This cartoon idea came to me a result of hearing about Toyota having issues with the accelerator pedal in some of it’s models and some of the stories that where being put out there as result of that piece of news. Then apparently Ford might have a couple of models that may have some issues with a couple of their Hybrid models was another little piece of news that hit the wire a few days later. The other auto companies seem to be untouched from these types of problems for now.

    I thought about quality at that point. It used to be that American cars where quality made then it fell off a little and some foreign cars took the mantle of quality for some time. Until the slide in car sales, American made cars where doing a good job at making a come back. I guess quality is apparently a cyclical a commodity as many other things in life, at least that’s the way it looks from my view right now. Anyway, I started to think wow, its kind of like a little luck of the draw thing.

    That is some of what went into the creation of the cartoon. Enjoy and have a great day.

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Quality Cartoon: Toyota and the rest

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