Thursday, February 4, 2010

Ode to Spam Email

    Oh Spam Email, how I hate thee,

    Let me count the ways:

    *she takes a deep breath*
    Eh, forget it - there's too many to say.

    I hate how you clog my inbox fair,
    whatever you're selling, I really don't care.

    I hate the hope my impatient heart feels
    With visions of contracts and multiple book deals.

    I hate to open those emails and see
    All your spam advertisements. Would you just leave me be!!?

    I'm waiting for emails about my life's work,
    I don't want your junk mail, you mean, teasing jerks!

    When I open my mail, I don't want to see
    thirty spam emails staring back at me.

    The only emails I care to receive,
    Are those that are not from my greatest pet peeve.

    So to my spammers, I beg you to refrain,
    Just leave me alone, I'm going insane!

Post Title

Ode to Spam Email

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