Monday, February 15, 2010

Unplugged for a Bit

    Okay all...I think I am going to do an Unplugged Week....or at least an Unplugged Couple of Days :D I am having a Monday and it seems to have started somewhere over the weekend and will probably extend for the next several days due to a few creative upsets (though these aren't necessarily bad, just time consuming) and some real life stuff going on this week that is a bit on the stressful/anxious side. So. I am going to take a few days and focus on some stuff :D and I'll be back next week hopefully chipper and smiling :D

    I will be posting Friday Funnies though, cause, well...I like 'em :D

    Also, I promised to have my 12 picks for the Sunshine Award up today, and you know, I really can't pick. Every time I get a new follower, every time someone posts a wonderful comment, and every time I find an awesome new blog or read one of the hundreds I already follow, a bright ray of sunshine lights up my day.

    So if you are reading this, the award is yours. (The song You Are My Sunshine is now floating through my head) :D Thanks so much to all my followers, readers, commenters, and authors of all the awesome blogs I enjoy. Happy Monday everyone!!! I'll be back in a few :)

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Unplugged for a Bit

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