Monday, February 8, 2010

A Little Monday Surprise

    Happy Monday!

    First up, my wonderful friend and crit partner, Christine, awarded me with the Prolific Blogger Award. I am beyond thrilled, thanks so much, Christine!

    The award originally comes from this blog.  And it comes with rules:
    1. Every winner of the Prolific Blogger Award has to pass on this award to at least seven other deserving prolific bloggers. Spread some love!
    2. Each Prolific Blogger must link to the blog from which he/she has received the award.  (Check out Christine's Blog Here!!)
    3. Every Prolific Blogger must link back to This Post, which explains the origins and motivation for the award.
    4. Every Prolific Blogger must visit this post and add his/her name in the Mr. Linky, so that we all can get to know the other winners.

    And now the hard (I'm a terrible commenter but I lurk on a LOT of blogs) :D though fun part, my seven picks, in no particular order:

    1. Lisa Amowitz over at Why A?
    2. Jenni James
    3. Steph Bowe at Hey! Teenager of the Year
    4. Elle Strauss
    5. Rebecca Sutton at Sometimes Nonsense
    6. Kiersten White at Kiersten Writes
    7. Sherrie Petersen at Write About Now

    And here is the awesome award:

Post Title

A Little Monday Surprise

Post URL

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