Tuesday, February 23, 2010

St. Patrick’s Day Cartoon: Almost had it

    I was working on St. Patrick’s Day cartoons and ideas for St. Patrick’s Day gear like beer mugs, cards and stuff like that. I did a cartoon a couple of years ago with a Leprechaun that was on one side of a cliff and his pot of gold on the other and called it “So Close”. People seemed to like it so I thought the general idea of a Leprechaun almost getting the pot of gold was a good idea to start from. This cartoon is a result of trying to think of other scenarios that might be funny if I stuck with that same general idea.

    While on the subject of Leprechauns and St. Patrick’s Day I was wondering why anyone would want to drink green beer. It seems to be a common theme during that holiday so I thought I would look it up on line. Turns out that according to the answers I found out on line it was something that has its origins here in America. I guess someone thought it would be a good marketing gimmick and it took off from there. I am guessing that trying to turn a stout Irish beer like “Guinness” green would take a heck of a lot of food coloring. Anyway, enjoy the cartoon and have a great day.

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St. Patrick’s Day Cartoon: Almost had it

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