Monday, November 30, 2009

Happy Birthday Mom!

    I'd like to wish a very happy birthday to my mother :) And what does a broke writer give to her mother? Why, a poem of course! :) Hope your birthday is awesome, Mom. Can't wait to see you!

    A Mother’s Pantoum

    A mother’s job is never done,
    Even when her kids are grown.
    Her loves shines brighter than the sun,
    Her children will never be alone.

    Even when her kids are grown,
    She’ll toil for each and every one.
    Her children will never be alone.
    She’ll be there whether they’ve lost or won.

    She’ll toil for each and every one,
    Despite all the chances they’ve blown.
    She’ll be there whether they’ve lost or won.
    Hers is the truest love they’ve known.

    Despite all the chances they’ve blown,
    Her love shines brighter than the sun.
    Hers is the truest love they’ve known,
    A mother’s job is never done.

    Love you Mom!

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Happy Birthday Mom!

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Sunday, November 29, 2009

Funny Christmas Cartoons: Doggone Merry Christmas

    I did this cartoon as a result of just drawing out of boredom. I was goofing around sketching different dogs, cats and a construction worker. Don’t ask how the construction worker fits in there…..I have no clue. I started thinking about words to associate with each of the sketches and one of the dog sketches just looked like “Doggonit” which the urban dictionary defines as “an expression of showing mild or high frustration.” That turned into “Doggone” as in “That food was Doggone tasty!” which then transformed into a “Doggone Merry Christmas”. It sometimes strikes me as strange how my ideas move along from start to finish but at least the ideas keep coming so I’m not going to wonder about it too much at this point. The drawing of the cartoon is a combination of all that thought about words and sketching dogs as well as it being the holidays. I’m not sure if the construction worker will ever make it into anything but he is sitting on the desk next to me, haunting me in a way. Enjoy the cartoon and have a happy holiday season.

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Funny Christmas Cartoons: Doggone Merry Christmas

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Saturday, November 28, 2009

Funny Obama Cartoons: The Money Tree

    I did this cartoon as a result of listening and reading some news reports about the dollar and its recent decline. I also was thinking about all the spending that is going on at a national and local level and allegedly there are talks of more stimuli being discussed beyond the first couple of rounds. I realize that dollars are being printed constantly and have been since before President Obama took office but since he’s the current President he gets to be in the cartoon. Anyway, I was thinking that some day down the road with all this printing going on there will be nothing left on the tree in a way, meaning that the dollar will be so diluted in the market place that it will be relatively worthless and it won’t really matter if the printing presses are going at break neck speed. What then? What will the answer to the problem be? That is where this cartoon idea came from. Enjoy the cartoon and have a great day.

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Funny Obama Cartoons: The Money Tree

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Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

    A friend emailed these to me. Too funny! :D

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    May your stuffing be tasty

    May your turkey be plump,

    May your potatoes and gravy

    Have never a lump.

    May your yams be delicious

    And your pies take the prize,

    And may your Thanksgiving dinner

    Stay off your thighs!

    Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

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Happy Thanksgiving!

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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Funny Twitter Cartoon: Getting old?

    I had this cartoon idea while thinking about what older folks thought about this world of social media and how a conversation between the two generations might look. This is what I came up with. Enjoy the cartoon and have a great day.

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Funny Twitter Cartoon: Getting old?

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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Blog Chain - Priorities

    I've got a stack of boxes and a roll of bubble tape ready and waiting :D But am very thankful for the opportunity to procrasinate packing a little longer in order to do this round's blog chain. And it is such a great topic for my life right now :)

    The awesome Amanda would like to know:

    How do you prioritize? How do you balance paying attention to your writing, critiquing for friends, spending time with your family and earning a living?

    Well, to be honest, sometimes I don't - the balance goes out the window and everything is a huge mess (like now). :D

    But mostly, my priorities are simple - family first, everything else next, sleep - last.

    I do try to schedule my time so I can make the most of what spare time I have. I am lucky enough that I don't work on top of being a mom. Frankly, I have no flippin' clue how people who have families and work full time do it. 

    For the most part, I try to write when my kids are in school or asleep and my husband is at work or asleep (or veging out in front of the tv or otherwise occupied). Sometimes I attempt to do it all at once. I'll bring the kids downstairs (where most of their toys, the tv and the Wii are) and try to write while keeping an eye on them. I generally critique during the same quiet moments, or I'll print pages out and read while I eat or cook or keep an eye on the kids

    This is also where writing by hand comes in handy (I'd use a laptop if I had one - it's on my list. I've been a good girl this year so hopefully Santa will be nice) :D For some reason, it doesn't bother my kids to see me sitting on the couch scribbling away. They ignore me and go on about their business. If I'm on the computer, no such luck. Suddenly their lives are in chaos and I'm the only one who can fix it.

    One thing that has me very excited about our impending move is that kindergarten in PA is all day (it's half day in Utah). Which means, come September, both of my little ones will be in school all day :D Part of me is sad about that, which was a huge surprise. But the rest of me envisions long, quiet days...just me and my computer...the printer spitting out novel after novel after novel *happy sigh*

    Yes, I know things aren't going to turn out quite so perfect :) But it will be nice to have a solid couple hours in a row to write instead of snatching moments here and there wherever I can :)

    In any case, sorry about the huge long ramble to a very simple question :) I think, bottom line, if you want to do something badly enough, you'll find the time, find a way. You might have to sacrifice things like hygiene and sleep, but hey, it's worth it. Right?

    :D  Be sure to stop by Sarah's blog and see what she had to say, and check out Shaun's repsonse tomorrow!!

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Blog Chain - Priorities

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funny pics

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funny pics

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Monday, November 23, 2009

Funny Financial Cartoons: It’s a Bear Market Rally

    This cartoon came to me as I was looking up info on bear markets and more specifically bear market rallies. I was somewhat familiar with the term but decided to do a little research on the subject because it is a term that has been thrown around a few times lately as well as the thought that there might be the possibility of a double dip recession. I have always been interested in the stock market and even tried day trading for a time. I draw funny pictures now so you can take a guess on how my day trading hopes went. I will say that I learned quite a bit about it but it was more costly than I would have preferred, probably would have been better off taking some art classes or something. Anyway, a bear market rally is basically when the market goes up significantly after a large loss and then drops again below the previous low. Then it moves back up again giving everyone hope only to fall again lower than before. That cycle continues over time and when looked at over time it is basically a downward trend with a bunch of blips up. At least that is the way I understand it from my reading. That is basically how this cartoon came to life. Enjoy and have a great day.



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Funny Financial Cartoons: It’s a Bear Market Rally

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Saturday, November 21, 2009

Funny Thanksgiving Cartoons: It’s a Turkey Economy

    I had the idea for this cartoon as a result of a few thoughts bouncing around in my head. I was watching the news the other day as the employment or unemployment, (depending on whether you are a glass half full or a glass half empty type of person), numbers where being talked about. There was no significant movement according to the reporting which was not a big surprise; at least to me it was not a big surprise. I got to thinking about it and remembered seeing a guy on the median asking for money and thought to myself “I wonder how much worse it will get before it gets better?” Not really having an answer to that question…..I thought about the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday and having some turkey and stuff that day when all of these thoughts kind of bounced into each other and the result was this cartoon. Enjoy the cartoon and have a safe and happy thanksgiving holiday.

    Funny Thanksgiving Cards

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Funny Thanksgiving Cartoons: It’s a Turkey Economy

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Thursday, November 19, 2009

Friday Funnies

    (packing or not, I've got to post the Friday Funnies :D Enjoy!)

    "A writer is a person for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people." -Thomas Mann

    "A writer should have another lifetime to see if he's appreciated."
    -Jorge Luis Borges

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Friday Funnies

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Funny Christmas Cartoons: Bar Hopping

    I was sitting there watching a football game the other night when I got the idea for this cartoon. I was enjoying a couple of beers and some holiday commercial came on. I started thinking “I wonder if Santa and the elves partake in a beer from time to time. You know, after hard day of making toys for low wages……wait possibly no wages….just room and board and some food from time to time. Wow….it’s no wonder that Hermie, that elf from the movie, “Rudolf the red nose reindeer”, wanted to be a dentist. Video Clip. Anyway, I would think they would pick up a beer from time to time. Then I thought I wonder what would happen if the bunch of them went out on the town like a bunch of frat boys looking for a party and went bar hopping after one of those tough days making toys. One of the results of that thought process was this cartoon. Enjoy the cartoon and have a great day.

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Funny Christmas Cartoons: Bar Hopping

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"How did you do your hair dude?"

    Let this JAPANESE guy teach you how to achieve that short spiky hairstyle in under a minute. It's like AWESOME!

    Perfect for the emo/bad boy/Yakuza!!! look.

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"How did you do your hair dude?"

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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

I Need a Few Spare Hours In The Day :)

    Well, as much as I've tried to avoid doing this, I may have to take a bit of a hiatus. I'll still post as often as I can, but trying to house hunt from 2000 miles away, get my house packed up and juggle my children on my own, and still keep up with everything else life likes to throw at me, has left me a bit on the frazzled side. I usually remember somewhere around midnight that I haven't posted anything yet :)

    So - I will try and post at least once a week, but for the next several weeks, it might be a bit of a hit and miss or a few short and sweet Hi How Are Ya's :D While I am busy fiddling with boxes and tape, I hope you are all out there busily writing, editing, and querying away!!! Drop me a comment and let me know how you are doing. I'll try to do the same :)

    Happy Writing!

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I Need a Few Spare Hours In The Day :)

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funny kid pics

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funny kid pics

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Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Funny Health Reform Cartoons: Healthcare for Christmas

    I got the idea for this cartoon from two video clips bouncing around upstairs in the empty space between my ears. The first one was the clip were then candidate Obama I believe was talking about his ideas and plans for a Cap and Trade piece of legislation were he openly says that he knows that his ideas would necessarily inflate energy costs due to coal and other energy producers having to upgrade their plants and that cost would be passed on to the consumer. Video Clip. Then there is the clip were Nancy Pelosi talks about her hopefulness that Healthcare reform can be given to America as a Christmas gift. Video Clip. I had seen the clip on Cap and trade a long time ago and then this one on the healthcare reform being a Christmas gift and the two of them collided in the back of my head to form this cartoon idea, gave me a heck of a headache too. Anyway, that’s where this idea came from. Enjoy the cartoon and have a great day.

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Funny Health Reform Cartoons: Healthcare for Christmas

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I'm a Little Late But I'm Still Thankful.....

    Real life is rearing it's head all over the place lately :) Yours truly is getting ready to move. I will try to keep up over here, but I may have to take a few weeks off as we get ready to move across the country. Well, "we" isn't really correct LOL My poor husband is off in PA already working and trying to find us a house while I am back in Utah packing up the house and trying desperately to let the kids "help" while preventing them from doing too much damage. :D

    In any case, today on the thankful list - something I couldn't do without and wouldn't have gotten as far as I have without...writer's forums, groups, and websites. Most especially, and

    Every close writer friend I have, including all my critique buddies, I have met through one of these sites. I tried a lot of writer's sites and forums - many had a lot of good information. Many had nice people who were glad to help a new writer learn the ropes. But the writers I met on Querytracker, and then Rallystorm, were beyond supportive. They took me under their wing and have become another family. They share my successes and failures with me. They cheer for me and support me. They shred my work and help me rebuild it.

    I don't know what I would do without them. This is always the one piece of advice I give new writers. Find some writer friends. They know what you are going through. They understand the journey and the wonderful madness. I am so grateful for each and every one of my writer friends, and without wonderful sites like QT and RS, I never would have met them. (In a weird twist of fate, my closest real life writer friends, the ones who live just down the street...I also met them through QT :) We didn't even know we lived in the same town until we got to chatting on the QT forum one day :D What a crazy, awesome thing to happen) :D

    Not only can you meet amazing people on these sites, but there is a ton of really good information. Help for query letters, critiques on a few pages, info on agents, agencies, and publishers, help on research, and answers to just about any question about writing and publishing that you can think of. If you are a writer, no matter where you are in your journey, just starting out or publishing your 50th book, I highly suggest finding a good writer group, forum, or website.

    How about everyone else? Do you have any favorite writer sites? Where did you meet your writer friends?

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I'm a Little Late But I'm Still Thankful.....

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Sunday, November 15, 2009

Funny Christmas Cartoons: Spiked the Eggnog

    I had this Christmas holiday cartoon the other day after thinking about an earlier cartoon I had done concerning Santa eating cookies and milk all night. I thought about it and thought, What about eggnog? I do love eggnog during the holidays, not spiked but plain. I was thinking about Santa having eggnog rather than milk and from there I thought What if the eggnog was spiked? What would happen? Would Santa just continue to drink the eggnog like a lush or would he take a sip and decide he better not partake. The thought process was a little funnier going the lush route so then I thought what would happen after Santa got a little more jolly than usual. What would happen if he passed out at the kitchen table? That idea did not seem that funny so I backed up and this cartoon was one of the endings I came up with that seemed like it would be funny, at least for everyone but the reindeer. Enjoy the cartoon and have a great day.

    Funny Christmas Cards

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Funny Christmas Cartoons: Spiked the Eggnog

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Saturday, November 14, 2009

Funny Health Insurance Cartoons: Time Served

    I got the idea for this cartoon after hearing that there is allegedly some provision in the current House version of the health care bill that passed by a narrow margin were if you make something more than forty-four thousand a year and decide you do not want health insurance you can be fined for that decision. The same provision also allegedly has language to the effect that beyond a fine you can be charged with a felony that may include jail time. Could you imagine having to go to jail for “not” purchasing something? Like I said before, I’m not sure this is all true or completely accurate in the way it was presented but if is true, it certainly starts to define this governments definition of “freedom of choice” at least in my mind. Anyway, me being the sarcastic soul that I am, I was thinking about a group in a jail cell and what might be the topic of conversation that might take place. This cartoon was a snapshot of that conversation. Enjoy the cartoon and have a great day.

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Funny Health Insurance Cartoons: Time Served

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Friday, November 13, 2009

motivational posters

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motivational posters

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Friday Funnies

    "After being turned down by numerous publishers, he had decided to write for posterity." -George Ade

    "The ill and unfit choice of words wonderfully obstructs the understanding."
    -Francis Bacon

     (being an OCD picture straightener myself, the following picture had me rolling on the floor)

    "Stories have a beginning, a midlle and an end. But not necessarily in that order."
    -Robert Silverberg

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Friday Funnies

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Funny Thanksgiving Cartoons: Fun and Games

    I got this cartoon idea from a commercial I heard on the radio for Chick-fil-a. It was the one where the cows are helping with the sale of a peach flavored milk shake if my memory serves me correct which it is not always doing depending on the amount of sleep I’ve gotten. The whole premise of the commercial besides getting people to go there and buy milkshakes was to get people to eat more chicken. At least, that’s why the cows rallied to the commercial cause of Chick-fil-a. Is it just me or does anyone else find it amazing how self preservation is generally one of the most powerful motivators. Anyway, it coming close to Thanksgiving and all, I got to thinking about it and figured a Turkey might have some ideas along the same lines as the cows did. Poor chickens, they are the catch-all for everyone’s plots to keep from getting eaten. As always, Enjoy the cartoon and have a great day.

    Funny Thanksgiving Day Cards

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Funny Thanksgiving Cartoons: Fun and Games

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Thursday, November 12, 2009

Wanna Win a Kindle?

    The fabulous Lisa and Laura are giving one away!! Head on over to their blog HERE and check out the deets. The contest ends tomorrow, so hurry and enter! Good Luck!!

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Wanna Win a Kindle?

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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Happy Veteran's Day

    Today I am thankful for our veterans. I know that doesn't really have anything to do with writing, but as it is Veteran's Day, I think I'd be horribly remiss if I failed to thank these incredible men and women for keeping our country and way of life safe.

    I have a comic-a-day calendar with that crusty old Shoebox lady :) Today's comic said "You're free to thank a veteran today. And for that, you should thank a veteran today."

    So I'd like to send out a sincere and heartfelt THANK YOU to all our veterans and active duty soldiers. Because of them, I have the freedom to sit at my computer and write whatever I want about whoever or whatever I want, be it boring, offending, or (hopefully) entertaining. :)

    The spouses and families of our veterans and sevicemen and women also deserve a huge thanks for the numerous sacrifices they make so that their loved ones may serve our country. To those who hold down the fort at home - THANK YOU! (and thank you to Cole for reminding me how awesome these people truly are) :)

    Happy Veteran's Day everyone :)

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Happy Veteran's Day

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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Funny Christmas Cartoons: Working Christmas Eve

    I had the idea for this Christmas Holiday cartoon from looking at the schedule in the break room. I work in an industry that pretty much goes twenty four hours a day, three hundred-sixty five days a year. I was thinking about the holiday season coming up and reflecting the last couple of seasons when I had to work most of the holidays because I happen to be one of the lowest on the totem pole with not much hope of parole. Anyway, I was thinking about how many of them I would have to work this year and the cartoon idea came to me. There are some of those out there directly tied to these holidays that if they took them off, the holiday would come to a crashing halt. I thought, wow…..they probably have family and stuff; I wonder what a conversation would be like at their house just before the big day. I went down this idea path a while until I set my mind on this cartoon idea. I jotted it down on an old receipt I had in my pocket and started my shift at the grind. Enjoy and have a great day.

    Funny Christmas Cards

    Funny Christmas Mugs

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Funny Christmas Cartoons: Working Christmas Eve

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funny pics

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funny pics

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Monday, November 9, 2009

Today I'm Thankful For.....

    My wonderful followers, readers, and commentors. 

    Today on this brisk and clear Monday morning I'd like to express my thankfulness for all of you awesome folks. Without you guys, I'd be floating along in the blogosphere chattering away to myself with nary a friend to share with :) You guys are incredible and I feel a little thrill of glee every time I see a comment from someone or get to welcome a new follower.

    To show my appreciation for all you fantastic folks, I'd like to pass along the One Lovely Blog Award that was given to me recently by the fabulous Natalie Murphy over at her blog The Sound of Rain. If you have a blog, post this award with pride.

    And thank you all so much for all your comments and support and for taking the time out of your busy days to read what I have to say. You make posting on this blog every week worthwhile and sometimes are the only reason I keep going :)

    Also want to send a special shout-out to Michelle Gregory - there is an interview with me over on her blog Beautiful Chaos and on her website Check it out! :)

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Today I'm Thankful For.....

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Sunday, November 8, 2009

Funny Thanksgiving Cartoons: Turkey Taunt

    I had this idea the other day while watching some goofy cartoon. I was also thinking about the upcoming holiday feast. Turkey, cranberries and the like got me to thinking about the possibility of this cartoon. The actual question was “What if Turkeys were in charge?’ what would that look like. Right about now I think there are some of you out there are probably saying to yourself “This guy has some issues.” To which I would respectfully reply “Yep, I probably do.” Anyway, I thought that Turkeys would probably just have fun with people like in the cartoon since they aren’t meat eaters so that’s how the cartoon took shape. Hope everyone has a great holiday and doesn’t eat too much. If I think of any more silly stuff to draw for the holidays I will be throwing it up for everyone to enjoy. Until that time enjoy and have a great day.

    Thanksgiving Day Cards

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Funny Thanksgiving Cartoons: Turkey Taunt

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Friday, November 6, 2009

The F-Bomb by Jackson Pearce

    Yet another awesome vlog by author Jackson Pearce:

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The F-Bomb by Jackson Pearce

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Funny Obama Cartoons: Pick up a Mop

    I got the idea for this cartoon from a speech that president Obama was giving in San Francisco I believe. I’m not sure of the place but Nancy Pelosi was mentioned so I just make that assumption. Anyway, in the speech he talks about being handed a mess and working on cleaning it up and says for the people who are criticizing the way in which he is doing it to “Pick up a Mop and help out”. Somewhere else in some other news report either before or close after that clip on the speech about the Mop there was a news report of talk about a second stimulus plan for the economy in congress. I thought it was interesting that any talk of more stimulus would be happening now only because the first stimulus, or I guess it would really be the second stimulus if you consider the TARP to be stimulus, has not been fully spent yet. I wonder what the plan is for the rest of the first stimulus. Anyway, those two things kind of collided together in my head and this cartoon was a result of that collision. Enjoy the cartoon and have a great day.

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Funny Obama Cartoons: Pick up a Mop

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Friday Funnies

    "Writing is 1 percent inspiration, and 99 percent elimination."
    -Louise Brooks

    "I have made this letter longer, because I have not had the time to make it shorter." -Blaise Pascal

    "Your manuscript is both good and original, but the part that is good is not original, and the part that is original is not good."
    -Samuel Johnson

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Friday Funnies

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