Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Thankful Awards

    The super sweet Mary Anne Gruen over at the Starlight Blog awarded me and the rest of her followers with the Icing on the Cake Award recently. And I tell ya, this is one of the things I am incredibly thankful for - awesome fellow bloggers who take the time to do things like this. I am grinning ear to ear and drooling over the yummy award LOL

    Thanks so much Mary!!

    So, I want to pass on the Icing love - if you are a follower, commenter, reader, or what have you - consider yourself Iced! :D Post this award on your blog and know how wonderful I think you are that you take the time to read my ramblings. Can't tell you how much I appreciate each and every person who stops by this blog. Thanks to all of you!!!

     On a down note...day 3 of NaNo and I'm already behind :D How's everyone else doing?

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Thankful Awards

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