Monday, November 30, 2009

Happy Birthday Mom!

    I'd like to wish a very happy birthday to my mother :) And what does a broke writer give to her mother? Why, a poem of course! :) Hope your birthday is awesome, Mom. Can't wait to see you!

    A Mother’s Pantoum

    A mother’s job is never done,
    Even when her kids are grown.
    Her loves shines brighter than the sun,
    Her children will never be alone.

    Even when her kids are grown,
    She’ll toil for each and every one.
    Her children will never be alone.
    She’ll be there whether they’ve lost or won.

    She’ll toil for each and every one,
    Despite all the chances they’ve blown.
    She’ll be there whether they’ve lost or won.
    Hers is the truest love they’ve known.

    Despite all the chances they’ve blown,
    Her love shines brighter than the sun.
    Hers is the truest love they’ve known,
    A mother’s job is never done.

    Love you Mom!

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Happy Birthday Mom!

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