Wednesday, November 18, 2009

I Need a Few Spare Hours In The Day :)

    Well, as much as I've tried to avoid doing this, I may have to take a bit of a hiatus. I'll still post as often as I can, but trying to house hunt from 2000 miles away, get my house packed up and juggle my children on my own, and still keep up with everything else life likes to throw at me, has left me a bit on the frazzled side. I usually remember somewhere around midnight that I haven't posted anything yet :)

    So - I will try and post at least once a week, but for the next several weeks, it might be a bit of a hit and miss or a few short and sweet Hi How Are Ya's :D While I am busy fiddling with boxes and tape, I hope you are all out there busily writing, editing, and querying away!!! Drop me a comment and let me know how you are doing. I'll try to do the same :)

    Happy Writing!

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I Need a Few Spare Hours In The Day :)

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