Thursday, September 30, 2010

First Stop on Christine Fonseca's Blog Tour for Emotional Intensity in Gifted Students

    I am honored and very proud to be launching the blog tour of my very sweet friend and awesome crit partner Christine Fonseca. Her book, Emotional Intensity in Gifted Students releases today! If you or anyone you know is a gifted student or knows one, you NEED this book. This is the book I wish my parents had had when I was a kid. I spent more time writing "Oh my goodness, this is so ME!" in the margins of the pages than I did marking anything that needed editing LOL

    This book is quite simply phenomenal and you should run, not walk, to get your own copy. There has already been major buzz about this book in the gifted community and I have no doubt this book will soon be a staple for educator training and parental help.

    Christine has stopped by to tell us a bit more about her book.

    Welcome Christine, and huge congratulations on the release of your book!

    MM: So, what exactly is emotional intensity?

    CF: You know that crazy feeling that everything is either too loud, too beautiful, too hard, too easy, too…everything??? That is emotional intensity. Creative types often approach the world with this point of view, often feeling like they are one step shy of bi-polar. Gifted types are this way by definition. It’s an aspect of what it means to be gifted.

    MM: Why did you write this book? Why is it necessary?

    CF: I love this question! I wrote this book after counseling gifted children and parents and discovering something they all had in common – this bizarrely intense way of approaching the world. It didn’t matter what they were doing – they did it with a level of intensity and passion I only consistently saw in this group.

    So, I did some research and discovered that while the “experts” certainly saw emotional intensity as a feature of giftedness, most teachers and professionals working with this population not only DID NOT see this, but they doubted the authenticity of it. Kids were getting diagnosed with pretty significant mental health issues when, at times, it was actually an issue of intensity – with how this population views and interacts with the world.

    Thus this book was born. It was my attempt to educate parents and teachers on what emotional intensity really is and how to help teach children the strategies they need to better cope. I have designed it to be easy-to-read and full of worksheets, checklists and tips to help parents navigate through the often turbulent world of parenting gifted kids.

    MM: People often view gifted students as being very independent, self-sufficient – in other words, being smart enough that they are more than capable of taking care of themselves, that they don’t need the same kind of support that “regular” kids need. Anyone who knows a gifted student, or who was once a gifted student themselves knows this is very untrue. What other myths do you debunk in your book?

    CF: Ah, the mythology of giftedness! Truthfully, myths are very prevalent with regards to the gifted. So much so that the National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) has pages and pages dedicated to the topic!

    For my book, EMOTIONAL INTENSITY IN GIFTED STUDENTS, I tackled several myths related to learning and emotional development, including the following incorrect assumptions:
    • All children are gifted in some way
    • Children who fail can not be gifted
    • Gifted children are happy and well adjusted in school
    • Children with disabilities can not be gifted
    • Gifted children don’t require additional supports in order to be successful

    By presenting the actual characteristics of giftedness, as well as utilizing case studies and role play scenarios, I hope that I’ve dispelled each and every one of the above myths.

    MM: What is the one thing you’d really like people to understand about gifted students/emotional intensity?

    CF: Great question! I think I want to tell people that being gifted MEANS being intense – and that this intensity is typically NOT a mental health issue. It’s just the way we look at the world. I want people to stop seeing the behavior – the bossiness, the outbursts, the mood swings – as a problem, and see it for the passion it represents. Then, and only then, are we free to teach kids how to cope with this aspect of their personality, instead of trying to hide it or pretend it isn’t there at all – often with disastrous results!

    MM: What can you tell us about your future projects?

    CF: Ahhh, future projects. I’ve been think about this a lot of late. In the world of non-fiction, I have been exploring the need for a book related to giftedness and bullying, as well as something on teaching/coaching creativity or the Imposter Syndrome in kids. All good topics, I think. Who knows what will actually make its way into a book!

    As many of you know, I also write fiction – YA fiction to be exact. I have recently finished up a paranormal romance that highlights forbidden love. My current fiction WiP is a contemporary piece – an issue book. Interestingly enough, the MC is gifted.

    Christine, thank you so much for stopping by. And congrats again on such a wonderful book! Christine's second book, 101 Success Secrets for Gifted Kids will be coming out next Spring. Keep an eye out for it!

    Fun stuff!!! If you'd like to win a SIGNED copy of Christine's fabulous book, Emotional Intensity in Gifted Students, all you need to do is comment on this post. Simple! (International entries welcome) :)

    Extra entry opps:

    1. Be a follower of this blog = 1 extra entry

    2. Follow Christine's blog, Facebook, or Twitter = 3 extra entries possible

    3. Blog, tweet, Facebook about Christine's book and/or tour = 1 extra entry for each that you do (total 3)

    Leave your total in the comments. Entries will be accepted until 11:59pm EST on next Friday the 8th. Winner will be announced on Saturday the 9th. Good luck!

    (and if you want to double your chances of winning a SIGNED copy of this awesome book, head to Elana's blog for more Christine awesomeness!!!)

    Linkage ~



    Find me on Facebook or Twitter

    Order the book.

    Want an e-reader version? Order here.

    Read the first chapter here.

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First Stop on Christine Fonseca's Blog Tour for Emotional Intensity in Gifted Students

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Blog Chain - What Do You Remember?

    This round, the fabulous Shannon hit us with a great question:

    Imagine this: when you're gone, readers will remember your writing most for just one of these things: your characters, your plots, your settings, or your style. Which one (only one!) would you prefer over the rest? Why?

    I read this question and thought "heck, if people just read me, I'm thrilled" :D And if they remembered me for any of the above, then every second of every minute I spent writing would be worth it.

    In order to answer this question, I thought back over the authors I love and what it is about their stories that stick with me. And it's the characters. The settings are in there in some cases (Diana Gabaldon created AMAZING settings in her Outlander series...I can close my eyes even years later and still see every setting in her books. Suzanne Collins's Hunger Games and Carrie Ryan's The Forest of Hands and Teeth series are also both series where the settings really stuck with me.)

    But's the characters, and as Christine said, their relationships with each other. Jaime and Claire in the Outlander series, Trent and Jocelyn in The Braeswood Tapestry (one of my all time fave historical romances), the characters in Victoria Holt's gothic romances, Katniss, Min (my character :D ), and yes, even Bella, Edward and Jacob. Those characters are who I think about long after I've closed the book. They are what make me feel a little depressed when I've finished a good book. I miss them. I want to know what happens to them AFTER the story.

    And that is what I'd love for people to take away from my stories. I'd love for them to be thinking about Min long after they've left her story behind. I'd love for them to wonder about Kesi and Ronan, think back to Cilla and Brynne and Lucy and daydream new stories for them. I want to create characters that my readers can't forget :)

    What about you? What do you want people to remember about your writing?

    Don't forget to go back and see what Laura wants you to remember and stop by Shaun's to read his response tomorrow :D

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Blog Chain - What Do You Remember?

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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Summer 2010 Sexy Emo Hairstyles for Girls & Boys

    Emo is the short form of emotional and people transmit their emotions, way of thinking by their emo hairstyles. It also gives emotional freedom to the children as they develop their own emo style of haircut and clothing. Even young moms and dads can give different punk-styles of hair for babies and toddlers. By getting an Emo haircut one can become comfortable with himself as his new look will define his personality.

    Summer 2010 Sexy Emo Hairstyles for Girls & Boys

    Black Emo Hair

    People exhibit their emotions and feelings through fashion and music. The emo haircut feature asymmetrical hair line instead of symmetrical hair lines with jet black color and bold highlights. The color of the hair is made jet black by dying and the edges are shaded with purple or blue. The hair is also highlighted with shades in contrast to the color of background hair.

    Black Emo Hair for Girls

    Black Emo Hair for Girls

    If you are coloring your hair by yourself then use the dye of a branded company for good and long lasting effect. Sometimes the black dyed color of hair look unnatural but this reflects the individuality and emotions of the person carrying it. Even the emo hair accessories are used according to the person’s emo look like bows or wicked hair clips with bats and spiders on it. That’s why emo is also known as the emotional punk movement.

    Black Emo Girl Hairstyle

    Black Emo Girl Hairstyle

    Summer 2010 Sexy Emo Hairstyles for Girls & Boys

    Messy Black Emo Hair With Bow

    Nice Black Emo Boy Hairstyle

    Nice Black Emo Boy Hairstyle

    Emo Black Hair With Bow

    Emo Black Hair With Bow

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Summer 2010 Sexy Emo Hairstyles for Girls & Boys

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Long Emo Hair Styles for Hot Emo Girls

    Emo hair styles are different so that the people who want a unique look and dose not want to be one among the herd, can get their hair cut in the emo style. The emos were considered to be following their own fashions and trends so as to have their distinct styles.

    Long Emo Hair Styles for Hot Emo Girls

    Long Emo Hair

    Long Emo Hair Styles for Hot Emo Girls

    Long Black Emo Hair

    The typical emo hair cut needs a pair of scissors or razor and dyes so that one can cut one’s hair according to his or her style and attitude. People with longemo hair experiment with different styles like getting them curled, or ironed so as to give their hair a new look. Long emo hair is mostly preferred by those who have bushy hair as maintaining them becomes much easier than small bushy emo hair.

    Messy Mad Rad Emo Hair

    Messy Mad Rad Emo Hair

    Long emo hair looks best when they are braided. Styling your long emo hair with knots and buns also gives an elegant look to your personality. Last but not least, different types of ponytails can also be made from long emo hair so as to give your hair distinct styles each time.

    Black Blond Emo Hair

    Black Blond Emo Hair

    Multi Color Long Emo Hair

    Multi Color Long Emo Hair

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Long Emo Hair Styles for Hot Emo Girls

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You Mean I'm Not Normal?

    Okay, it doesn't look like my word count has changed at all, but I've actually been working quite steadily all week. I just, uh, switched WIPs for a teeny tiny second :D I couldn't help it. One of my finished novels was screaming at me for another revision and I just couldn't ignore it. But, if all goes well, I'll be finished in another week or two and then it's back to work on the new WIP - I pinky promise :D

    In the meantime, I have a question for everyone - do you ever wish you WEREN'T a writer?

    I've read enough blogs and talked to enough writers that I think I can safely say that most of us don't really feel a choice in the matter. Oh sure, we might have chosen to try and get published. But many of us were writing long before that decision was made and would continue to write even if publication would never be an option.

    So, do you ever wish your crazy Muse had just left you the heck alone?

    I had a moment yesterday where I did feel this way. It surprised me, to be honest. I've had stressful moments and moments where I've literally been in tears for some reason or the other. But I've never really wished things were any different than they were.

    But for a split second, I thought "It would be nice if I wasn't a writer." My house would be clean. I'd spend more time with my kids. My spare moments would be spent relaxing, my nights wouldn't be filled with sleepless hours while my crazy brain spun out a million ideas. I'd just be a normal mom.

    LOL It was also the first time I realized I truly don't consider myself "normal." Oh, I've joked about it before. But to really, truly, deep down to the marrow of my soul think I was NOT normal. I think this was the first time.

    I have friends who are normal. Their houses are clean, their laundry is always done, their kids never watch more than an hour of t.v. a day, and I'm not positive, but I'm pretty sure their minds are occasionally quiet enough for them to just BE. They live life without feeling the compulsion to write about it. They see the dishes as a chore, not a brainstorming session. I see people like this every day and it's a weird concept. Like the idea of a billion dollars. I know that much money exists. But I've never seen it. It's hard to fathom. Being "normal" is hard to fathom.

    My moment passed very quickly (shoved away by my MC demanding that I sit and work on her story some more, which I was literally giddy to do). I really wouldn't want to be anything else. I love being a writer. Every crazy, roller coaster second of it. But every now and then.....yeah.....

    Do you ever have a "what if" moment?

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You Mean I'm Not Normal?

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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Twitter Cartoon Humor: Star Power

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Twitter Cartoon Humor: Star Power

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Funny Cartoon Christmas Cards: Hard of Hearing

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Funny Cartoon Christmas Cards: Hard of Hearing

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Tutor Tuesday - Looking at Characters

    First of all, happy 7th birthday to my little boy!!!! Can't believe how old he's getting :) 

    Second, welcome to Tutor Tuesdays :D With the release of my non-fiction book fast approaching, (and since I closed down my other blog) I decided I'd devote one day a week to non-fiction matters, including writing tips for essays, papers and other NF things (memoirs, narratives, and anything else you can think of). Just a little non-fiction info to spice up the place :D

    Our recent awesome Blogging Experiment topic (on Writing Compelling Characters) reminded me of a post I did on my other blog about focusing on characters when writing analysis essays.

    If you have to write a book report or an essay analyzing a work of literature (or even a film), looking at the characters in the piece is an excellent way to start.

    Characters are one of the most important, if not THE most important, element in any work of literature. Without a character, there is no story. Even if the story is about a frog...that frog is your main character. So, characters are a great element to look at when analyzing a work of literature for a paper or essay. Here are some questions you could ask about the characters in the story:

    • Who are the characters?
    • Who is the main character?
    • Who is the main villain?
    • What qualities/vices/characteristics/quirks/mannerisms do these characters have?
    • What do these characteristics do for a particular character?
    • What is the author trying to show with a certain character? For example, is the extreme evilness of the main villain supposed to symbolize the evil side of mankind? Does it work? Why or why not? 
    • Do the characters personify anything? Qualities/characteristics/feelings? For example, if you were analyzing a story about a girl named Hope who went up against a villain named Dr. Evil, do these characters exhibit the qualities of hope and evil? Is Hope an optimistic person, etc?
    • What flaws do the characters have? Or are they too perfect?
    • Are the characters believable? Can you relate to them? Are they likable, intriguing, mysterious? How do these qualities affect the story?
    Look at the characters from every possible angle and analyze what each character brings to the story. Think about why they are a part of the story, what their presence does, or does not, do for the story.

    This also applies to fiction - take a look at your own stories and ask yourself the questions above. Analyzing your characters the way an English student writing an essay would is a great way to make sure they are fleshed out, well-rounded, unique, and doing the job you need them to do.

    Have you ever given your characters a good analysis?

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Tutor Tuesday - Looking at Characters

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Monday, September 27, 2010

Welcome to a Fabulous Few Weeks!

    Happy Monday All!!

    We've got lots of fun stuff coming up so I thought I'd give you a little heads up of what's ahead in the next couple weeks.

    Starting tomorrow, I'm starting a new feature, Tutor Tuesdays - adding a little non-fiction flavor to the old blog.

    Friday - the awesome Christine Fonseca's book, Emotional Intensity in Gifted Students, releases and I have the incredible honor (along with our CP and all around fabulous friend Elana Johnson) to be the first stop on her blog tour. Please join us!! There may just be an opportunity to win a free copy of her book ;-D

    Next week, I am very excited to be hosting the amazing K.M. Weiland. She has a brand new CD for writers coming out, Conquering Writer’s Block and Summoning Inspiration. She'll be here on Monday the 4th with an interview, Wednesday the 6th with a guest post, and Tuesday and Thursday she has a few words of awesome advice for us. Friday's Funnies will be centered around the theme of inspiration and writer's block. Don't miss this amazing spotlight week!!

    And on Friday October 15th, I'll be posting a review of Christine's book - and you really don't want to miss this day because Christine will be giving away some spectacular swag!

    Be sure to join me for all the upcoming fantasticness!!!!

    Did anyone do anything fun this weekend? Get some amazing wordage out? I....did nothing LOL Well, not entirely true. I did a few edits on the non-fiction. But mostly, yeah, I did nothing. It was lovely :D

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Welcome to a Fabulous Few Weeks!

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Sunday, September 26, 2010

Recession ended cartoon

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Recession ended cartoon

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Friday, September 24, 2010

Writing Compelling Characters

    Huge blogging experiment day!!!! If you haven't checked out the incredible list of people participating in this yet, head to Elana's blog - just truly WOW. do I write compelling characters? My first drafts I really just sit down and write. My characters come out, start developing little quirks and foibles, and in revisions, I take a look at those and exploit them to the best of my ability :D

    For instance, my very first main character, Min, was a clutz...if there was a puddle, she'd fall in it, if there was a table to run into, she'd be yelling ow, if there was some way to make a fool of herself, she did so. I love this about her. It makes her funny and gives the reader a reason to root for her. But I didn't want her to ONLY be a clutz.

    So here is where my layering begins. I look at the other aspects of her personality and try to beef up other parts of her. She's highly intelligent, brave, curious - so I went through the story and made sure those aspects of her character were apparent.

    One thing I learned from my CPs was to be consistent with my characters - the MC of my last book is a boxer. She's feisty. But I had a lot of sections in the book where that aspect of her character got lost. She wasn't reacting to certain situations the way a feisty boxer chick should react. So I had to go through and make sure she was being consistent to who she was.

    Bottom line - I try to write characters that people will want to read about. Characters that are flawed and real, who do things and say things the way real people would. The character's main quirks and personality traits generally come through in the first draft. And then during my layering process I go back through and beef up other aspects of his or her personality to make sure they aren't one dimensional, so one trait doesn't overshadow who they are as a whole. And I make sure they are true to who they are.

    Be sure to head to Elana's blog and check out all the other fabulous posts on this topic!!!

    LAYERS - (for Vicki) :D

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Writing Compelling Characters

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Friday Funnies

    Any fool can take a bad line out of a poem; it takes a real pro to throw out a good line.
    — Theodore Roethke

    English usage is sometimes more than mere taste, judgment and education — sometimes it's sheer luck, like getting across the street.
    — EB White

    Nobody wants to see the village of the happy people.
    — Lew Hunter

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Friday Funnies

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Thursday, September 23, 2010

"The Recession is over" cartoon Montage

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"The Recession is over" cartoon Montage

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Thirty-three Word Thursday

    An artist must approach his work consciously, but you are confusing two concepts: the solution of a problem and the correct formulation of a problem. Only the second is required of the artist. 
    — Anton Chekhov

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Thirty-three Word Thursday

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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Funny Cartoon Birthday Card: Long in the Tooth

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Funny Cartoon Birthday Card: Long in the Tooth

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What Did You Expect?

    First of all, nope, no new Potato Man says it all....

    Buuuuut that will hopefully be changing today :D

    Right now, I actually have a question for everyone out your writer's life what you thought it would be? I know before I began this journey, before I decided to really start doing this "for real", for publication, I had this vision of what my life as a writer would be like.

    And boy was I wrong LOL

    I imagined myself putting my kids down for a nap or for bed, or sending them off for school, and sitting down at my computer and immediately pounding out pristine prose that only needed a quick proofread and a few minor tweaks. Everyone else would love it (okay, I knew not EVERYONE would love it), and I'd have offers pouring in the moment I sent queries out....

    Well, I was a little more realistic than that :D but seriously, the way it really is and the way I thought it would be are very far apart. I honestly had NO idea how much work goes into writing a book. Didn't understand that I would agonize over the perfect word...that I would be WAITING forever for everything...that the rejections would sting as much as they do (and that there would be so many of them LOL).

    I also never imagined how incredible it would feel to have someone read my book and LOVE exciting it would be to sign with my agent, or the complete euphoria (followed and forever after mixed in with terror :D ) that would accompany my very first sale to a publisher, or the happy obsession I'd feel staring at my brand new cover :)

    Everything about this crazy world of writing is just so much MORE than I ever expected, both the good and the bad.

    So I'm wondering, is it everything you expected?

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What Did You Expect?

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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Pictures of Cool Emo Boys Hairstyles for 2010

    These days Emo hairstyles are hot, a lot of young are wanner have emo haircuts.Here are some pics of boys emo hairstyles. Emo boys wear some amzing and unique emo hairstyles.

    Pictures of Cool Emo Boys Hairstyles for 2010

    boys emo hairstylesPictures of Cool Emo Boys Hairstyles for 2010

    boys emo hairstylesPictures of Cool Emo Boys Hairstyles for 2010

    boys emo hairstyles

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Pictures of Cool Emo Boys Hairstyles for 2010

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Emo Girls Haircuts with Side Swept Bangs

    Emo hairstyles with bangs for girls - bangs look great on any girl with short or long emo hair. So, try out some of the emo hairstyles with bangs for 2010.

    Emo Girls Haircuts with Side Swept Bangs

    hairstyle of bangs

    Emo haicuts- Bangs- swept bangs

    hairstyle  of bangs

    Emo Girls Haircuts with Side Swept Bangs

    hairstyle of bangs

    Emo Girls Haircuts with Side Swept Bangs

    hairstyle of bangs

    sexy emo girl with swept bangs haircuts

    hairstyle of bangs

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Emo Girls Haircuts with Side Swept Bangs

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Funny Cartoon Birthday Card: Spring Chicken

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Funny Cartoon Birthday Card: Spring Chicken

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Ten Word Tuesday

    Writers should be read, but neither seen nor heard.
    — Daphne Du Maurier 

    (makes me wonder what she'd think about all the social networking and platform building 
    that goes along with being a writer today :D  )

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Ten Word Tuesday

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Monday, September 20, 2010

Red and Black Emo Long Hairstyles for Girls

    Long emo hair looks best when they are braided. Styling your long emo hair with knots and buns also gives an elegant look to your personality. Last but not least, different types of ponytails can also be made from long emo hair so as to give your hair distinct styles each time.

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Red and Black Emo Long Hairstyles for Girls

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Pictures of Black Emo Girls Hairstyles with Bangs

    If you are looking for an all black emo hairstyle pictures, check out these diverse looks. Whether you want that sophisticate chic look, a natural do, sleek or just wanna look exotic and mysterious. You will be amazed by the many different hairstyles for black emo hair that are available.

    Pictures of Black Emo Girls Hairstyles with Bangs


    black emo hairstyle for emo girl


    Pictures of Black Emo Girls Hairstyles with Bangs


    sexy emo girl with black emo hairstyle


    short black emo hairstyle for emo girl


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Pictures of Black Emo Girls Hairstyles with Bangs

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Funny Cartoon Birthday Card: Hard Body

    A funny birthday card with a cartoon of a older guy with an ample amount of self confidence at the beach with the message
    “Hope your living out loud, Happy Birthday” on the inside.

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Funny Cartoon Birthday Card: Hard Body

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When Jumping the Gun Is Helpful

    If you haven't checked out yesterday's post yet, make sure you do before you leave here! Michelle Davidson Argyle is celebrating the release of her novella Cinders with awesome style :) Scroll down to yesterday's post to check out our interview and enter to win some fabulous prizes!

    So, how is everyone doing this fine Monday morning? I wasn't able to work on my book this weekend (I was too busy getting my butt handed to me by my mother during a few tense rounds of Bananagrams) - but I spent a lot of time going over things in my head. Plot points, pivotal moments, action, romance, do I need more emotion, more fighting, more this more than and the other.....and since I was playing around with things anyway, I sat down and worked up a preliminary query.

    Now, I'm at least two months from needing one, but I've found in the past that working on a query is a great way to get things hammered out. It forces me to look at the main plot points of my book. And it really is great at showing if my story arc is strong enough. It shows me if it's exciting enough, if it's unique enough, and it helps me see where I need to focus my creative energies.

    Which led me to thinking of other activities that help with this. Here are my top five:

    1. Writing a query

    2. Writing a hookline/logline

    3. Making a book trailer

    4. Creating an elevator pitch (which for me is similar to a hook line but can be slightly long as I can get everything out in about 10 seconds)

    5. Writing the back cover blurb (sort of like the query letter but I can be slightly more vague/mysterious)

    Each one of these activities forces me to look at the bare bones of my story, to get out the ESSENCE of it with as few words as possible. Each item on this list forces me to focus on the most exciting, most unique, most important aspects of my story in just a few delicious sentences.

    It's hard. Sometimes frustratingly so. But it's also great at helping me really focus on the true meat of my story.

    Do any of you do stuff like this to help focus things?

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When Jumping the Gun Is Helpful

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Sunday, September 19, 2010

Funny Chess Cartoon: Day at the Park

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Funny Chess Cartoon: Day at the Park

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Cinders - An Interview with Author Michelle Davidson Argyle

    Cinderella's happily-ever-after isn't turning out the way she expected.

    With her fairy godmother imprisoned in the castle and a mysterious stranger haunting her dreams, Cinderella is on her own to discover true love untainted by magic.

    I am very pleased to be kicking off the blog tour for Michelle Davidson Argyle, author of the recently released novella, Cinders. I was intrigued by this book. It looks at the story of Cinderella from a point of view that I had never thought of before, and answers a question I've had since I first read the fairy tale...what happens after Cinderella marries her Prince Charming? You'll have to read it to find out :D

    Michelle joins us today to answer a few questions about her book.

    MM: Your book is a darker twist on Cinderella than the usual “mice friends, fairy godmother, and happily ever after” versions that we normally see. What inspired your version of the tale?

    MDA: I’m a big sucker for turning things over to look at them from a different angle. That, and the regular Disney princess stories have always bothered me. I’ve never been a big believer of true love at first sight, nor have I believed that things ever end happily-ever-after, and if they do, much sacrifice and work is probably behind it. I wanted to tell a story that showed these things, and I think I accomplished what I set out to do. I’ve also wanted to write a darker tragedy-type story for a very long time, and this one seemed to fit the bill so I ran with it!

    MM: While this book is more fantasy than historical, it is set in a realistic-feeling past. Did this story require a lot of research?

    MDA: Technically, Cinders isn’t set in any specific time period. It may feel that way, but I never intended a specific time-period to be attached to it. I do mention France, though, and imply that Cinderella lives in an English or Scottish countryside. It did take a lot of research to get the feel of this just right. I researched everything from castle life to clothing to politics to food. It was a lot of fun, and I think that part of writing is often my favorite part!

    MM: What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating this book?

    MDA: This was the first book I’ve ever written that was a longer piece where I sustained my more lyrical, poetic voice. It was also the first book I completely outlined before writing, and I was amazed at how quickly I flew through the writing. I will try this again with future books, but I do know that every book tends to be different, so we’ll see what happens.

    MM: Your book is self-published and you’ve had several interesting blog posts on the subject lately. Why did you decide to self-publish?

    MDA: I wrote Cinders specifically to self-publish it. At first it was going to be a novella I wrote for a project Scott and Domey and I were thinking of doing on The Literary Lab, but then I decided the book would sell better on its own and I went in that direction. We have a lot of readers on The Literary Lab who have asked about self-publishing, as well, and I thought actually self-publishing something would be a good way to share information about the subject. Also, Cinders is a novella, and I was afraid no publishers would be interested in it because of the length or they would want me to change too much. It really has been a project where I wanted complete control over everything. It has been a lot of fun!

    MM: Can you tell us about any upcoming projects you may be working on?

    MDA: Sure! I’m currently working on my suspense novel, Monarch to submit to a small press publisher. I think it may be a good fit there. I’m also planning to publish two more fairy-tale themed novellas. I’ve begun the second one titled Thirds. It’s based on a little-known Grimm’s fairy-tale about three sisters, a goat, and a magic tree. It also may end much more happily than Cinders, but I haven’t completed the outline yet so I don’t know for sure. The third novella will be based on a fairy-tale I create out of my own head. That should be interesting. Thanks so much for the interview! These were some fun questions!

    Thanks so much for sharing part of your journey with us Michelle, and congratulations on the release of Cinders! Scroll down for a chance to enter some incredible Cinders prizes!!

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    Click HERE to purchase Cinders

    You can find Michelle:

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    On the Cinders Fan page

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Cinders - An Interview with Author Michelle Davidson Argyle

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