Monday, September 6, 2010

Blog Chain - The Grass is Always Greener in That Other Genre...

    Happy Monday Everyone! I get to start off the week with another entry for the ol' Blog Chain. This topic was chosen by the fabulous Margie, who wants to know:

    How did you come to write your YA genre (e.g. contemp, fantasy, etc.)? AND (yep, it’s a 2 parter), if you weren’t writing that, what genre would you be interested in exploring?

    Answer Part 1:

    It just sort of happened LOL Okay, I started out writing adult historical romances. They are what I grew up on, what I love, just about all I read. I got my first degree in History. I love it, I soak it up. And romance - it's just part of who I am. I very seriously doubt I could write fiction without a tinge of romance :)

    Then one day, I finally gave into several friends' urgings to try reading YA. And I totally fell in love with it. I love the pacing, the sweetness of the romance involved, the fun story lines. I was hooked. And ideas for YA's started popping up in my head.

    I tried revising my first historical romance into YA. Then I wrote a YA Urban Fantasy. And after several false starts and despite a file of ideas for more Urban Fantasies, I've decided I'm going to stick with my first love, history. The majority of my ideas are historical. It's what feels natural and what I think I'm good at. And combined with YA, I've got a genre I absolutely love to write.

    I still read more paranormal/urban fantasies than historicals - but for writing purposes, I am a YA historical writer.

    Answer Part 2:

    Well, I've sort of explored other genres already. As I said, I didn't start out in the genre I'm in now. And I have a few unfinished straight contemporary manuscripts as well. I just lose interest in them quickly.

    However, I am lucky because I already write other genres; namely picture books and non-fiction. Both of which I love, and one of which (so far) I've found success in.

    So, that's me - writer of YA historicals, picture books, and non-fiction (writing help books at the moment). Oh, and I dabble in that poetry thing on the side ;-)

    Head back to Laura's blog to see her writerly tendencies, and don't miss Shaun's answers tomorrow!

    How about you? What do you write? Have you tried on other genres? Or would you like to?

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Blog Chain - The Grass is Always Greener in That Other Genre...

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