Monday, September 27, 2010

Welcome to a Fabulous Few Weeks!

    Happy Monday All!!

    We've got lots of fun stuff coming up so I thought I'd give you a little heads up of what's ahead in the next couple weeks.

    Starting tomorrow, I'm starting a new feature, Tutor Tuesdays - adding a little non-fiction flavor to the old blog.

    Friday - the awesome Christine Fonseca's book, Emotional Intensity in Gifted Students, releases and I have the incredible honor (along with our CP and all around fabulous friend Elana Johnson) to be the first stop on her blog tour. Please join us!! There may just be an opportunity to win a free copy of her book ;-D

    Next week, I am very excited to be hosting the amazing K.M. Weiland. She has a brand new CD for writers coming out, Conquering Writer’s Block and Summoning Inspiration. She'll be here on Monday the 4th with an interview, Wednesday the 6th with a guest post, and Tuesday and Thursday she has a few words of awesome advice for us. Friday's Funnies will be centered around the theme of inspiration and writer's block. Don't miss this amazing spotlight week!!

    And on Friday October 15th, I'll be posting a review of Christine's book - and you really don't want to miss this day because Christine will be giving away some spectacular swag!

    Be sure to join me for all the upcoming fantasticness!!!!

    Did anyone do anything fun this weekend? Get some amazing wordage out? I....did nothing LOL Well, not entirely true. I did a few edits on the non-fiction. But mostly, yeah, I did nothing. It was lovely :D

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Welcome to a Fabulous Few Weeks!

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