Wednesday, September 22, 2010

What Did You Expect?

    First of all, nope, no new Potato Man says it all....

    Buuuuut that will hopefully be changing today :D

    Right now, I actually have a question for everyone out your writer's life what you thought it would be? I know before I began this journey, before I decided to really start doing this "for real", for publication, I had this vision of what my life as a writer would be like.

    And boy was I wrong LOL

    I imagined myself putting my kids down for a nap or for bed, or sending them off for school, and sitting down at my computer and immediately pounding out pristine prose that only needed a quick proofread and a few minor tweaks. Everyone else would love it (okay, I knew not EVERYONE would love it), and I'd have offers pouring in the moment I sent queries out....

    Well, I was a little more realistic than that :D but seriously, the way it really is and the way I thought it would be are very far apart. I honestly had NO idea how much work goes into writing a book. Didn't understand that I would agonize over the perfect word...that I would be WAITING forever for everything...that the rejections would sting as much as they do (and that there would be so many of them LOL).

    I also never imagined how incredible it would feel to have someone read my book and LOVE exciting it would be to sign with my agent, or the complete euphoria (followed and forever after mixed in with terror :D ) that would accompany my very first sale to a publisher, or the happy obsession I'd feel staring at my brand new cover :)

    Everything about this crazy world of writing is just so much MORE than I ever expected, both the good and the bad.

    So I'm wondering, is it everything you expected?

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What Did You Expect?

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