Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Back To School Pros and Cons

    Well, my baby started kindergarten yesterday, and my son just started first grade. Which means for the first time in seven years, I will be ALONE for the majority of the day. I think it's Pro and Con time.

    PRO: I'm alone!!!! I can do whatever I want, whenever I want, wherever I want. Wooohooo!

    CON: So far my alone time has consisted of sitting at the kitchen table basking in the silence. Wonderful, sure, but not very productive.

    CON: Alone Time seems to move a lot faster than Regular Time - I sense a hostile conspiracy

    PRO: I can crank my iPod up full blast and dance around the house, singing at the top of my lungs while I clean. (my husband and most likely my neighbors think this is a CON...but this is my list, they can make their own) ;-P

    CON: Having to put the phone in my pocket on vibrate so I know if it rings....and having it go off in the middle of killing the big spider behind the toilet, scaring me half to death *note to self - forget the phone, let voicemail get it*

    CON: I sorta miss their little faces (my kids', not the spiders')

    PRO: I actually MISS their little faces - a nice change from those adorable countenances making me want to tear my hair out

    CON: I can no longer blame the destroyed house on the least from 8-3

    PRO: I can, however, blame it on the big spider behind the toilet

    PRO: Having time to both clean, run errands, and write - all before the sun goes down

    CON: (See CON #1 - me and productivity...not so much. Though to be fair, we are only on day 2....things may improve in that department) (I said MAY, don't laugh)

    PRO: I can watch all my DVR'd shows during the day instead of staying up all night

    PRO: The house (theoretically) gets clean and stays that least until 3:00 - but still a vast improvement

    CON: The speed with which the house gets demolished after 3:00 - holy cow, my kids are talented

    PRO: The sweet hugs and "Mommy I missed you!"s from my kids when I pick them up

    CON: Worrying about them being scared, lonely, picked on, confused, homesick, hungry, or in any other way in need of a mommy while they battle the terrors of the elementary school yard

    PRO: Hearing "Mommy we LOVE school, it's awesome!"

    CON: Knowing THAT particular sentiment won't last long

    CON: Realizing my babies are growing so quickly

    PRO: Witnessing the awesome people they are growing into

    PRO: Having the time, energy, and desire to contemplate all this because I'M ALONE! :D

    What are your Back to School Pros and Cons?

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Back To School Pros and Cons

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