Sunday, January 31, 2010

Old Man Cartoon: Stop Staring

    This old man cartoon came as a result of watching football playoffs last week. I was watching one of the games and my youngest son came in and sat down for a little while and a couple of sets of commercials had run when he asked me why al the commercials were either about Trucks, Fast Food, Beer or Male Enhancement Products. I never really pay that much attention to commercials during the breaks but obviously it is because of the target market. That’s what I told him anyway. I was laughing on the inside because I was just thankful that he didn’t ask me what Male Enhancement Products are. He got up and walked off and the next commercial was for Male Enhancement stuff. It was then that the basic idea for this cartoon popped into my head. With as much advertising focus on that issue you would think it was some type of epidemic or something. Then I thought people using this type of drug must be so grateful for this amazing discovery. Anyway, that’s the back story on this old man cartoon. Enjoy and have a great day.

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Old Man Cartoon: Stop Staring

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Friday, January 29, 2010

Walrus Cartoon: Father and Son

    A walrus cartoon with a father and son giving each other a salute.

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Walrus Cartoon: Father and Son

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How to draw a cartoon Penguin in a few easy steps.

    There are several ways in which to draw cartoon Penguins and this article focuses on basic shapes to achieve the goal. The reason basic shapes are used is because it is much easier to draw most anything if it can be broken down into shapes.

    The only thing that is really required to draw most anything is some paper (I just used regular printer paper for this exercise), a pencil and some type of black pen if you choose to apply ink to your drawing when it is complete. (I use a micron #2 for almost every cartoon I do which can be found at most arts and craft stores or online) however, a regular gel pen works just fine for what we are doing here.

    Our little cartoon Penguin here is made up of two rounded bowling pins, four ovals, four circles and six different size triangles arranged to from our cute and cuddly little cartoon Penguin. We start by using pencil to sketch out our little


    Step 1:

    We start by drawing one large size bowling pin shape for the body of our cartoon Penguin.




    A second, smaller bowling pin shape is drawn on the inside of the first bowling pin shape representing the white belly of the Penguin.


    Step 3:

    Two small triangles are drawn in place for the Penguins beak along with two small ovals for its nostrils. (Our little cartoon Penguin has to breath, right.)


    Step 4:

    Next we draw two ovals above the beak for eyes along with either two or four circles inside the ovals. Two circles can be used but I myself prefer four because I usually add color to my drawings and eyes that are complete with color and pupils are something I like to do.


    Step 5:

    Next we draw our Penguins wings and feet. It would be a little cruel not to give our Penguin something to help him get around don’t you think. We achieve this by using four triangles, two for the wings and two smaller triangles for the feet.


    Steps 6 and 7:

    Our last two steps are one, go through and erase the parts of the shapes that overlap such as the wings and the feet and we are left with our basic shapes drawn cartoon Penguin in pencil. Two take your gel pen or ink pen and copy over your pencil Penguin cartoon and you are done.  At this point we can color him if we choose to or just leave him as is.



    I decided to do some small adjustments to the feet and wings of my Penguin and add some color and shading to show you what is possible from that basic shape cartoon Penguin. I achieve this by scanning my finished cartoon Penguin into Photoshop and doing all the coloring a shading there.



    Thank you for taking the time to draw a cartoon Penguin with me and I look forward to adding a few more “How to draw” articles in the future. Until then keep an eye out for basic shapes in everything you wish to draw. The shapes are all around us and make drawing a little easier and fun. Have a great day.

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How to draw a cartoon Penguin in a few easy steps.

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Head's Up :)

    Just a quick note - I'm in the mood for a little color so I'll be playing with my blog layout this weekend. Just in case you stop by and wonder why it looks different every time ;-)

    Happy Weekend!

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Head's Up :)

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Friday Funnies

    Happy Friday!!

    How many mystery writers does it take to screw in a light bulb?

    Two. One to screw it almost all the way in, and the other to give it a surprising twist at the end.

    How many science fiction writers does it take to change a light bulb?

    Two, but it's actually the same person doing it. He went back in time and met himself in the doorway and then the first one sat on the other one's shoulder so that they were able to reach it. Then a major time paradox occurred and the entire room, light bulb, changer and all was blown out of existence. They co-existed in a parallel universe, though.

    How many screenwriters does it take to change a light bulb?
    Answer: Ten.
    1st draft. Hero changes light bulb.
    2nd draft. Villain changes light bulb.
    3rd draft. Hero stops villain from changing light bulb. Villain falls to death.
    4th draft. Lose the light bulb.
    5th draft. Light bulb back in. Fluorescent instead of tungsten.
    6th draft. Villain breaks bulb, uses it to kill hero's mentor.
    7th draft. Fluorescent not working. Back to tungsten.
    8th draft. Hero forces villain to eat light bulb.
    9th draft. Hero laments loss of light bulb. Doesn't change it.
    10th draft. Hero changes light bulb.

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Friday Funnies

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Cute Girl

    cute emo girl

    cute emogirl hair
    Cunning, attractive, cute girl contrived to charm.

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Cute Girl

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Thursday, January 28, 2010

Old Guy Cartoon: Get back in the glass

    I was trying to draw something completely different when this cartoon took shape on the page. This old guy just kind of showed up for the party and he was pointing at something….so I thought “Why not his teeth?” It just kind of took shape from there. “What could he say to his teeth?” “What would his teeth say to him?” I decided not to have his teeth talking back to him because that would be just plain……well crazy!
    I then pictured him basically scolding his teeth kind of like a small dog like a Yorkie or maybe a Pug….you know…..”Get back in your cage doggy.” Anyway….I think you get the idea by now.

    Oh…I almost forgot… case your curious….I was actually thinking about trying to draw some kind of troll type character to put on a coffee mug. Very odd that I ended up with this cartoon and will be using it for a birthday card.

    Enjoy and have a great day.

    Birthday Card

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Old Guy Cartoon: Get back in the glass

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Funny Cartoon: Paper vs Plastic

    I was just sketching last night and came up with this very random cartoon. I can honestly say that I must have been a little sleepy last night or something because I have absolutely no idea which part of my brain came up with this very random goofiness. Hope you get a giggle out of it at least. Have a great day.

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Funny Cartoon: Paper vs Plastic

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Reading Challenge 2010

    All right, so last year I didn't quite make my goal of 52 new books in 52 weeks. I certainly read at least that many books, but I did several repeats - like the Harry Potter series and the Sookie Stackhouse series, and Diana Gabaldon's Outlander series, among others.

    Well, here we are in a new year and I am determined to make it this time! I'm already off to a good start, since our moving truck was so late and I had nothing to do other than sit around and read.

    So, my list so far is:

    1. Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
    2. Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins
    3. Bed Rest by Sarah Bilston
    4. Goodnight Nobody by Jennifer Weiner

    I think I have one more but my mind is blanking so I'll have to go check my bookshelves and see what new books I have there :) (update: Ha! The Heretic Queen by Michelle Moran. I knew I had another one in there :D Update 2: Found another one! Break No Bones by Kathy Reichs. Definitely on track for this year :) )

    Right now, I am reading Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick - and am totally loving it.

    And on my to-read shelf are The Queen Jade by Yxa Maya Murray, The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan, Brethren by Robyn Young, and Leonardo's Swans by Karen Essex. I've got more on my wish list, of course, but I think these will get me started :D

    For updates, check out my side-bar. I'll keep a running tally.

    How about you? What good books have you read lately? Up for a challenge? :D

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Reading Challenge 2010

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funny animals

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funny animals

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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Polar Bear Cartoon: Greenhouse Gas Kills the Mood

    This polar bear cartoon came as a result of the other polar bear cartoons I have done in the past as well as a couple of other things that kind of bounced together in my head. I had read some article that the polar bears were having a tough time dealing with the changes in their environment and according to the article there was a possibility that the polar bears could be extinct some years from now. The point to the article was that greenhouse gases where causing this problem for the polar bears.

    The last piece of the puzzle is that Valentines day is coming up and I thought of this specific cartoon as a result of the article and the thought that if polar bears where going to celebrate the holiday they would most likely kick back by the fire and snuggle…..right. Wrong, it turns out that one of them happens to be up on the whole greenhouse gas thing. The cartoon is one possible conversation that might happen. Enjoy and have a great day.

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Polar Bear Cartoon: Greenhouse Gas Kills the Mood

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Penguin Cartoon: Ice Delivery

    I was goofing around drawing penguins again and thought to myself, other than waddling around looking for food what would a penguin do? What kind of career would a penguin like? This cartoon is one idea I thought a penguin might choose as a career. Enjoy and have a great day.

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Penguin Cartoon: Ice Delivery

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Deadlines Are Falling On My Head...

    Last night, my awesome brother called me with an assignment to write a press release for his company. This is something I do every few weeks for him. Now, my brother is one of those people who has so many balls flying in the air that I have no idea how he manages to do everything and still find time for little things like breathing and sleeping. So he tends to call me at the last minute. And by last minute, I mean REALLY last minute. He once called me to write up a bio on him for an article that he needed within the hour. Gotta love him.

    Well, last night he had two releases for me to I had previously done that needed some tweaking so it could be released by the end of the day (which gave me 2 hours) and another that he needed for this morning. I just laughed, wrote down the info I needed, and got to work.

    But that is me. I do well with deadlines. Which is not the same as doing well under pressure, by the way. I don't do real well with pressure. You put me on the spot and ask me some totally easy question and my mind will go blank. I haven't figured out why I do this yet. However, tell me you need love my manuscript but want the entire thing edited by the next day, and I'm your girl.

    Which works well with the fact that I tend to procrastinate. Put it off until the last minute and then bust your tail getting it done. I'm not sure why I work well with a deadline. I think it's because it forces me to focus. I just don't have a choice. Someone somewhere is waiting for whatever it is I'm working on. My brother is waiting for his press release. My professor is waiting for my paper. My agent is waiting for my revisions. My kids are waiting for dinner ;-D So putting it off again is not an option.

    This is one of the reasons I try to give myself deadlines. 1000 words a day. A chapter a week. Writing every morning from 8-11. Unfortunately, this doesn't always work. Because I know it's my own deadline and nothing devastating is going to happen if I don't stick to it. But I do try, and it does help.  

    So, how do you work? Do deadlines loom over your head, overshadowing and crushing the life out of your creativity? Or do they spark some rush of adrenaline, forcing the words to flow from your fingers? Do you give yourself deadlines?

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Deadlines Are Falling On My Head...

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Monday, January 25, 2010

Owning My Insanity

    First, for your Monday viewing pleasure:

    Ever feel like that? :D Annnywho......

    They say the definition of insanity is repeating the same action expecting different results...or something along those lines.

    It got me thinking. Are we, my dear writers, insane? Sending out query after query, revising over and over, plowing on despite the rejections and accidental deletions and manuscript fails and revision dead ends....

    Or are we just persistent? Driven? Determined? Plain ol' stubborn? :D

    I'm inclined to think it's a mixture of all of the above. I think it takes a certain amount of insanity to put yourself through the wringer that is the publishing industry. But at the same time, that wringer weeds out those who have a true passion for what they are doing from those who might have been trying out a passing fancy.

    Because, let's face it, unless you absolutely love what you are doing, this game can really get to you.

    The thought of querying both chills and excites me. It's daunting, to say the least. A seemingly never ending cycle of emails and snail mails and requests and rejections. Incredible highs followed by crushing lows....we seem to be our own special type of adrenaline junky.

    Do I go jumping off cliffs?

    Heck no!! I send a query letter, baby!!

    Do I race a car around a track at 200 miles an hour?

    No way! I go through my manuscript one more time and send that puppy off to the agent that I just know is impatiently waiting by their inbox.

    I HIT SEND!!! WOOOOOO!!! What a rush! 

    Did I curl up in the fetal position and cry uncontrollably when that tree fell on my car a few years ago?

    Pshaw! I save that sort of devastation for REAL when that agent who LOVED my manuscript decides they just don't love it as much as they should. (just kidding....or am I?) ;-D

    So, are we insane? Maybe. But you know what I love about writers? At least the ones I know, the ones who are so determined to make it they stick to their guns no matter what delightful particles of nastiness may be poised to smack them in the face -

    They own their insanity.

    They embrace, rejoice in it, and with a smile on their face and a song in their heart they put yet one more query letter in the mail, knowing that THIS time, the answer will be different. Despite the rejections that are literally wallpapering their office, they KNOW that eventually, someone is going to say yes.

    And when that next rejection comes in, they simply say:

    and do it all over again.

    They are my heroes :D

    And if that's insanity, well count me in. Sounds like a grand plan to me :)

    How about you? Are you a proud, card-carrying member of the Insanity Club?

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Owning My Insanity

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Penguin Cartoon: At Sea

    I was messing around and decided to draw a few penguins the other day. Although this guy is a little sad about being alone at sea, he still strikes me as cute. Enjoy and have a great day.

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Penguin Cartoon: At Sea

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Saturday, January 23, 2010

Tiger Cartoon: Broke a Nail

    I was just sketching different things and this one decided to come out of hiding. Enjoy and have great day.

    This cartoon is free to use as content for your website as long as a credit in the form of a link is given.

    Link Example:
    Cartoon provided by “Ira Coffin” at or
    Cartoon provided by “Ira Coffin” at

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Tiger Cartoon: Broke a Nail

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Twitter Cartoon: Tweet Restitution

    I had the idea for this twitter cartoon about the same time I came up with another one I called “Twitter-holic”. I just got around to finishing it up today is the only reason I haven’t posted it sooner.

    The idea came from thinking about twitter and the “tweeting” thing. I am not sure why but whenever I here someone say they are “tweeting”, the corners of my mouth loose some of there gravitational pull resulting in a smile. It just makes me laugh a little inside. Like I said…..I have no idea why.

    Anyway, birds tweet so I thought about birds tweeting in the park on the roof…etc…..etc….and then I thought what if a bird decided to get a lawyer…..I mean why not? There have been much sillier lawsuits out there……I mean there has to have been especially when I look at my lawn mower and it has a sticker on the side of it that says something to the affect of “Danger…..keep all body parts away from blade while in operation.” You know there is some legal reason for that warning because of some mental Hercules out there. I always find it amazing how reality takes a vacation the moment some lawyers get involved so there you have it, birds sewing twitter for copyright infringements. Enjoy and have a great day.

    This cartoon is free to use as content for your website as long as a credit in the form of a link is given.

    Link Example:
    Cartoon provided by “Ira Coffin” at or
    Cartoon provided by “Ira Coffin” at

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Twitter Cartoon: Tweet Restitution

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Friday, January 22, 2010

Red & Black Colored Long Hair Emo Hairstyle


    emo girlLong black hair with splurges of bright red highlight. You can also try blond streaks at the front if you don't like red. Layers would be good to achieve this hairstyle.

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Red & Black Colored Long Hair Emo Hairstyle

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Emo Haircuts for Girls - Emo Girl Pics

    emo girl,emo hairstyles for girls,sexy emo girl,hot emo girl LOOK。

    Emo Girl Pics

    emo girl,emo hairstyles for girls,sexy emo girl,hot emo girl  new shit :) this rock。

    Emo Girl Pics

    emo girl,emo hairstyles for girls,sexy emo girl,hot emo girl  Dani Gore。

    Emo Girl Pics

    emo girl,emo hairstyles for girls,sexy emo girl,hot emo girl  Cute。

    black long emo hairstyle

    emo girl,emo hairstyles for girls,sexy emo girl,hot emo girl  Woah。

    i love the hair,it shdes perfect around her face,i also injoy how thin she is....she has those cute big eyes and small figure along with the cute puffy hair...its total boss

    emo girl,emo hairstyles for girls,sexy emo girl,hot emo girl  Curtie。

    Emo Girl Pics

    emo girl,emo hairstyles for girls,sexy emo girl,hot emo girl  Barbie。

    Beautiful Barbie

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Emo Haircuts for Girls - Emo Girl Pics

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Friday Funnies

    Every time I say the word diet, I wash my mouth out with chocolate.
    ~on a plaque I saw at the mall :D

    "The ill and unfit choice of words wonderfully obstructs the understanding." 
    -Francis Bacon

    "It's none of their business that you have to learn to write. 
    Let them think you were born that way." 
    -Ernest Hemingway

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Friday Funnies

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Thursday, January 21, 2010

Get Well Cartoon: New Doctor

    I was working on some other cartoons when this get well idea slapped me in the back of the head like my fourth grade teacher used to do when I was not paying attention. I’m not sure if it was legal but it certainly explains a lot. I was thinking about hospitals and some of the experiences that I have had in them. I have been fortunate enough to have had some really good physicians but I started to think about it a little and “What if that were not the case?”

    I started to think about the possible conversations that might take place in a medical situation. This was one of those conversations between a nurse and the doctor during surgery. Maybe this is really why you get put to sleep during surgery. Kidding….ha! ha!

    I also had some other ideas but this one struck me as something a little more appropriate and not so over the top sarcastic and well… some respects….just down right cruel. I hope you enjoy this get well cartoon and have a great day.

    This cartoon is free to use as content for your website as long as a credit in the form of a link is given.
     Link Example:
    Cartoon provided by “Ira Coffin” at or
    Cartoon provided by “Ira Coffin” at

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Get Well Cartoon: New Doctor

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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Why Do You Blog?

    Well, this week is apparently question week...or maybe I just have a lot of musing time on my hands. Unpacking boxes doesn't really require that much brain power :)

    I watched Julie & Julia the other day (loved it!) and there was a line in the movie when she's talking about starting a blog. She says something along the lines of "I could write a blog. I have thoughts."

    Which got me thinking - why do I blog? I have thoughts, sure. I like to think they are occasionally interesting, funny, helpful and maybe (on a really good day) witty and intelligent :D Though, maybe I just like to hear myself talk (or see it I suppose, as we are talking about blogs) (I do, by the way, as I'm sure most people who know me can attest to. But hey, in my defense, I am home all day with a 4 and 6 year old. If I get within 100 yards of someone with thoughts that revolve around something other than Barbie and Spiderman, I just can't be held responsible for the unstoppable flow of words that shoots from my mouth).

    But is that why I did it? To share my thoughts? I don't think so. Maybe partially, but really, I never imagined that anyone would actually be interested in what I had to say. I mean, who was I? Nobody...just an unpublished writer trying to find my way in the big, strange, and scary publishing world. So, why do I blog? Why did I start doing this in the first place?

    Honestly, peer pressure, pure and simple. Everyone was doing it, I thought playing with the templates was fun, and I had heard/read/saw somewhere that if you wanted to be a successful writer, you had to have a blog. So, here we are.

    But along the road it has evolved into a little something more. I love, LOVE, connecting with other writers. I can't tell you how awesome it is to type up a post that most people would think was nonsense and have people comment saying "I do the same thing! I think the same way!"

    Knowing I'm not the only crazy writer out there has really been a wonderful discovery. Seriously, I thought I was completely weird most of my life. I mean, how many people sit there staring off into space while a whole other world of characters plays out in their heads? How many others can't carry on a "normal" conversation because they can't resist going off on weird tangents that suddenly occur to them? Especially when those tangents involve people, places, or situations that don't really exist. :D How many others get dirty looks from complete strangers and suddenly realize they've been staring at said stranger, taking mental notes about their appearance or mannerisms because that stranger's look/actions would be PERFECT for this book you are working on? How many others notice strange, obscure little details about places and people and things and every day life that they squirrel away for future musings, or have conversations with themselves, or scribble weird little notes on anything and everything?

    Apparently, quite a few :D I always felt so alone in my weirdness and then I found some forums, and started blogging, and I have had the opportunity to meet so many wonderful, crazy people, people just like me who just laugh and say "Oh yeah, definitely!" when I ask, "Hey, do you ever...?"

    So, I suppose the reasons why I started blogging don't matter in the long run. I guess what's important is why I keep doing it, what I get out of it. Yeah, it takes a little extra time out of a day that might not have enough hours to begin with. But it provides a forum for my insane thoughts and it allows me the opportunity to connect with all these incredible people, from all areas and walks of life, who all have the love of writing in common. And really, what could be cooler than that?

    So how about you? Why did you start blogging? Why do you keep doing it? Or if you don't, why not?

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Why Do You Blog?

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Birthday Cartoon: Birthday suit

    I came up with this birthday cartoon while working on birthday card ideas for my other site and tried to apply it to a card but it just doesn’t really work for me. I did something similar to this idea on a card late last year and I wasn’t sure about that one either. I do like the way this cartoon turned out, just not for a birthday card though.

    I’m not sure why I seem to be obsessed with making this idea work but I’m sure it is going to pop up again in the future. I know this because as I am writing this I just had another idea along the birthday suit line. I guess there will be some more to come for the birthday suit idea. Some day I will get it to a place I like it.

    The one thing that can be counted on is that I will be posting these goofy cartoons surrounding this idea of a birthday suit until I feel it has been conquered. Until then, I hope everyone gets at least a little chuckle out of this one and any that may come in the future. Enjoy and have a great day.

    This cartoon is free to use as content for your website as long as a credit in the form of a link is given.

    Link Example:
    Cartoon provided by “Ira Coffin” at or
    Cartoon provided by “Ira Coffin” at

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Birthday Cartoon: Birthday suit

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Monday, January 18, 2010

Turtle Cartoon: Shell of a Man

    I had the idea for this cartoon after trying to come up with ideas for cartoons in general. I was having a little cartoonist mental block and used a couple of techniques that I use to get out of these blocks. There are several ways in which I try to get myself out of a block. One is just grabbing a piece of scratch paper and drawing whatever comes to mind. It does not always translate to an idea but just the act of drawing helps my mind to get unstuck.

    Another way in which I try to get my goofiness flowing is to take an animal or a situation and see how many ways I can manipulate it into something that vaguely resembles a funny idea for a cartoon. This technique is most often the one that helps remove my mental blocks; in fact, it was this last technique that spawned this turtle cartoon.

    I just stated thinking about turtles and what they do, how they act and what their strengths and weaknesses might be. Then it occurred to me that in a turtle relationship this type of thing probably happens. Married for a while, couple of kids and the grind of a turtle existence start's to take its toll and soon the turtle couple doesn’t recognize each other for the turtles they fell in love with. Enjoy the turtle cartoon and have a great day.

    This cartoon is free to use as content for your website as long as a credit in the form of a link is given.

    Link Example:
    Cartoon provided by “Ira Coffin” at

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Turtle Cartoon: Shell of a Man

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George Washington Cartoon: Has to be a better way

         I did this George Washington cartoon for a couple of reasons. One is that I thought it would be fun and make for a decent product line for my gallery. Two, I have been goofing around with doing cartoons based on history or historical figures recently which has been a result of some of the reading that I have been doing lately.

         George Washington is one of my favorite figures of the past, which there are many so I thought I would do the first cartoon with him. I was thinking that it must have been tough to write with the ink and quill or at least much tougher than writing today by comparison. I wonder how much writing George Washington and others in history would have been able to achieve if they had things like electricity for lights to replace candle light or computers and software other than a bottle of ink and quills. I guess the answer is naturally, quite a bit more.

         It was all of this thought that was bouncing around up there in my brain that led to the creation of this George Washington cartoon. I have a couple of other ideas for George Washington cartoons but those will have to keep for a later time. As always, enjoy the cartoon and have a great day.

         This cartoon is free to use as content for your website as long as a credit in the form of a link is given.

    Link Example:
    Cartoon provided by “Ira Coffin” at

    George Washington Mugs

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George Washington Cartoon: Has to be a better way

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What Happens When A Writer Gets Bored?

    First of all, hello everyone! Thanks so much for the warm welcome back. Honestly, it was nice taking a week or so off from everything. But by the end of week 2, I was going a little nuts.

    Hence my topic today. What happens when a writer gets bored? And I mean really, really bored.

    Here I was, sitting in this big, old empty house. No chores (as there was nothing in the house to wash, pick up, dust, vacuum, move, or even look at), no errands to run (there was nowhere to put anything, nothing to put it in, no bills to pay as we had just moved in, no kidlets to take places as they hadn't been signed up for anything yet), and, horror of horrors - no books to read and no computer to play on, work on, or write on.

    I hit a couple book sales (I now live 5 minutes from a Borders!!!!) but those lasted me about a day a piece and I only had so much money to spend on books.

    With literally nothing to spend my time on, my mind (crazily spinning on the best of days) went into overdrive. Oh, and let me tell you, I am SURROUNDED by some awesome inspiration.

    We moved into this big, old farmhouse in PA - out in the country, a farm to one side of us, and fields all around. And across from the field directly in front of us, an old, red-brick church that was built in 1791 (rebuilt in 1863) that is surrounded by evergreens and a small cemetery with yellowing headstones. It is beautiful, incredible, and just begging for a story to be written about it.

    So I went out and bought a notebook and a pen and started writing. And there was WIP #1. As this is a ghost story, I only write it during the day :D Cause, you know, I am a chicken with an overactive imagination and I prefer not to torture myself by freaking myself out with my own stories :D

    Which left my nights free.

    Which left me time to reflect on the move we had just made and all the fun things that happened along the way...and after we arrived. Including, (but by no means limited to) the many wonderful things that can happen when you imprison a dog, a cat, two kids and two parents in a car on a four day trip, or finally arriving at your destination to have the heating system in the house break two days after you get there (in freezing temps), or finding out a week after you get to your new home that your moving truck won't be there for another three weeks.

    Which left me thinking about all the weird stuff that tends to happen to me on a daily basis. Which left me thinking of 33 years of weird/strange/funny/interesting/awesome or just plain "you've-got-to-be-kidding-me-you-have-the-worst-luck-in-the-world" type things.

    And WIP #2 was born :)

    Then I remembered the WIP I had started for whopping 2213 words. I thought it might be a good idea to add to it, as I still like the story I was working on. And I had some time on my hands :D

    And WIP #3 was on its way.

    Now, I didn't get very far into any of them. I did have two very bored children (running around a big house scot-free is only fun for a week or two). But I quite enjoyed myself, scribbling away in the corner of my empty living room.

    My notebook is hilarious. I have a page or two of WIP #3 followed by half a page of WIP #2 and 4 pages of WIP #1, and so on. I just couldn't make my brain focus on one story. Apparently I had denied it too long and to punish me it started shooting out words willy-nilly and woe be to anyone who got in the way of the pen.

    My husband looked at the notebook and asked, "Are these short stories?" And I said, "No...just the product of very bored writer."

    What happens to you, my fellow writers, when you are unbelievably bored? Does your brain go so far into withdrawals that it starts spinning out of control and spewing random stories at any piece of paper that will hold still? Or does it shut down completely, so traumatized by lack of exercise that it freezes at the very sound of a word?

    I hope I am not the only writer in the world that starts staring at blank napkins with a mad gleam in my eye while my fingers feverishly search for a pen...cause that would just be embarrassing :D

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What Happens When A Writer Gets Bored?

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Friday, January 15, 2010

Funny Cartoon: Going Fishing

    I was doodling again this evening and this little guy started to come off the page. I really don’t have any idea where he came from but here he is. Maybe I need a vacation or something. Maybe I should go fishing…..hmm. Maybe I’ll do that. Anyway, enjoy and have a great day.

    The shameless commercial exploitation of this innocent little guy.


    Mouse Pad


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Funny Cartoon: Going Fishing

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I'm Back!!!

    Woohoo!!! It's been an adventure, let me tell you. I have literally started writing a book about it :) Long story and many details short, we left Utah on Dec 15th. Our stuff didn't arrive in PA until yesterday, Jan 14th. Among other things, we've been on air mattresses (and computerless!!!!) for almost a month. But the truck showed up yesterday, the saint of an internet guy today, and all is right with my world again :)

    I promise I will get all caught up with comment moderating (and I noticed I received two awards while I was gone so I'll check those out, thanks!!!) and all that other good stuff. I promised my agent some revisions, my brother some editing for his business, myself some fun writing time, and somehow I forgot that I'd need to actually unpack all these lovely boxes surrounding me.

    Hehe, I seriously was so focused on getting my computer back everything else fled my mind. Oops :D

    No worries! I am so pumped to be reunited with this lovely electronic appendage I will get everything done and might get a few things put away in the new house as well! :D

    Stay tuned Monday for a return to our regularly scheduled blog and thank you all so much for sticking with me in my long absence. It's wonderful to be back :)

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I'm Back!!!

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Cartoon Rabbit: Down the Rabbit Hole

    I had the idea for this little rabbit cartoon as a result of just doodling the other day and after starting the rabbit, I just started adding to it. In other words it kind of took shape while I was goofing around with it. As I finished the rabbit dressed in army gear I started to wonder about the rabbit from Alice in Wonderland. More to the point, I could not remember the name of the rabbit in "Alice in Wonderland" so I looked it up and as far as I could find from the little bit of research I did, the white rabbit didn’t really have a name. The character was known as only the white rabbit. I was then thinking how the dialogue might change if I plugged my little rabbit character into the story and this was the result. Enjoy and have a great day.

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Cartoon Rabbit: Down the Rabbit Hole

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Thursday, January 14, 2010

Twitter Cartoon: Twitter-Holic Anonymous

    I got the idea from this twitter cartoon as I was thinking about habits and how they form. I mean both good and bad habits. I read something some time ago that it is generally believed that habits tend to form from repetition of a certain act or someone telling you or you telling yourself something over and over again until it somehow becomes your reality. It was in this line of thinking that I though O.K….so if someone is forced to use only 140 characters to communicate there thoughts, how long does it take before that limit translates to a persons reality. I was thinking about texting as an example, you know the LOL, BFF type stuff. You can hear people using these types of text talk abbreviations in their normal everyday conversations. I think there is even a dictionary for the abbreviations now as well. Anyway, that’s kind of where the idea for this twitter cartoon came from. Enjoy the cartoon and have a great day.

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Twitter Cartoon: Twitter-Holic Anonymous

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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Funny Coffee Cartoons: Tyranna-Caffeineus-Rex

    This coffee cartoon comes as a result of surfing around on the web and settling in on reading about dinosaurs. I have always like dinosaurs since I was a kid. I used to try a draw them but never had much luck making them look as cool as they did in the picture books. The cartoon came as a result of reading about dinosaurs and me forgetting to buy coffee during my last trip to the grocery store. I thought, if there were such a thing as a Tyranna-Caffeineus-Rex….how would he react to an empty cup of Java….I know how I feel about it so I figure his reaction might not be all that different. Anyway, went to the store and remembered the coffee this time so all is well for tomorrow morning. Enjoy and have a great day.

    Check out da Mug

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Funny Coffee Cartoons: Tyranna-Caffeineus-Rex

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Funny Cartoon Character: Who Moved My Cheese?

    I was goofing around again and came up with this character which I drew because I was thinking about one of my favorite cartoons “Pinky and the Brain” and one of my favorite characters in that cartoon "Pinky". I'm not sure why but I think it has something to do with the way his mind works or doesn't work depending on depending on how you approach it. I've not seen the cartoon for a while but luckily there is YouTube and lots of clips for me to watch.

     Anyway, that combined with the saying “Who moved my cheese?”, something made popular by Spencer Johnson and his book of the same title made me think of this idea.

    I figured that my little character would have a little more attitude about his cheese being moved. I also figured it would make for a funny coffee mug in the work place.

    Enjoy and have a great day.

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Funny Cartoon Character: Who Moved My Cheese?

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