Thursday, January 21, 2010

Get Well Cartoon: New Doctor

    I was working on some other cartoons when this get well idea slapped me in the back of the head like my fourth grade teacher used to do when I was not paying attention. I’m not sure if it was legal but it certainly explains a lot. I was thinking about hospitals and some of the experiences that I have had in them. I have been fortunate enough to have had some really good physicians but I started to think about it a little and “What if that were not the case?”

    I started to think about the possible conversations that might take place in a medical situation. This was one of those conversations between a nurse and the doctor during surgery. Maybe this is really why you get put to sleep during surgery. Kidding….ha! ha!

    I also had some other ideas but this one struck me as something a little more appropriate and not so over the top sarcastic and well… some respects….just down right cruel. I hope you enjoy this get well cartoon and have a great day.

    This cartoon is free to use as content for your website as long as a credit in the form of a link is given.
     Link Example:
    Cartoon provided by “Ira Coffin” at or
    Cartoon provided by “Ira Coffin” at

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Get Well Cartoon: New Doctor

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