Friday, January 15, 2010

I'm Back!!!

    Woohoo!!! It's been an adventure, let me tell you. I have literally started writing a book about it :) Long story and many details short, we left Utah on Dec 15th. Our stuff didn't arrive in PA until yesterday, Jan 14th. Among other things, we've been on air mattresses (and computerless!!!!) for almost a month. But the truck showed up yesterday, the saint of an internet guy today, and all is right with my world again :)

    I promise I will get all caught up with comment moderating (and I noticed I received two awards while I was gone so I'll check those out, thanks!!!) and all that other good stuff. I promised my agent some revisions, my brother some editing for his business, myself some fun writing time, and somehow I forgot that I'd need to actually unpack all these lovely boxes surrounding me.

    Hehe, I seriously was so focused on getting my computer back everything else fled my mind. Oops :D

    No worries! I am so pumped to be reunited with this lovely electronic appendage I will get everything done and might get a few things put away in the new house as well! :D

    Stay tuned Monday for a return to our regularly scheduled blog and thank you all so much for sticking with me in my long absence. It's wonderful to be back :)

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I'm Back!!!

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