Monday, January 25, 2010

Owning My Insanity

    First, for your Monday viewing pleasure:

    Ever feel like that? :D Annnywho......

    They say the definition of insanity is repeating the same action expecting different results...or something along those lines.

    It got me thinking. Are we, my dear writers, insane? Sending out query after query, revising over and over, plowing on despite the rejections and accidental deletions and manuscript fails and revision dead ends....

    Or are we just persistent? Driven? Determined? Plain ol' stubborn? :D

    I'm inclined to think it's a mixture of all of the above. I think it takes a certain amount of insanity to put yourself through the wringer that is the publishing industry. But at the same time, that wringer weeds out those who have a true passion for what they are doing from those who might have been trying out a passing fancy.

    Because, let's face it, unless you absolutely love what you are doing, this game can really get to you.

    The thought of querying both chills and excites me. It's daunting, to say the least. A seemingly never ending cycle of emails and snail mails and requests and rejections. Incredible highs followed by crushing lows....we seem to be our own special type of adrenaline junky.

    Do I go jumping off cliffs?

    Heck no!! I send a query letter, baby!!

    Do I race a car around a track at 200 miles an hour?

    No way! I go through my manuscript one more time and send that puppy off to the agent that I just know is impatiently waiting by their inbox.

    I HIT SEND!!! WOOOOOO!!! What a rush! 

    Did I curl up in the fetal position and cry uncontrollably when that tree fell on my car a few years ago?

    Pshaw! I save that sort of devastation for REAL when that agent who LOVED my manuscript decides they just don't love it as much as they should. (just kidding....or am I?) ;-D

    So, are we insane? Maybe. But you know what I love about writers? At least the ones I know, the ones who are so determined to make it they stick to their guns no matter what delightful particles of nastiness may be poised to smack them in the face -

    They own their insanity.

    They embrace, rejoice in it, and with a smile on their face and a song in their heart they put yet one more query letter in the mail, knowing that THIS time, the answer will be different. Despite the rejections that are literally wallpapering their office, they KNOW that eventually, someone is going to say yes.

    And when that next rejection comes in, they simply say:

    and do it all over again.

    They are my heroes :D

    And if that's insanity, well count me in. Sounds like a grand plan to me :)

    How about you? Are you a proud, card-carrying member of the Insanity Club?

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Owning My Insanity

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