Thursday, October 28, 2010

Make Money from Home Cartoon

    I did this cartoon as a result of having tried a couple of these type of make money from home schemes and as you might guess…..I didn’t make any money. Anyway, it did give me the idea for the cartoon because having tried a couple of these programs I guess my email address got put in the “sucker” pot. I started to get different offers to make more money than I ever dreamed of online without ever leaving the comfort of my own home. I started reading some of the materials I was being sent and noticed the legal disclaimers on them all were pretty much the same “results not typical, bla…..blaaaa…..blaaaa…..bla…bla”, so long story short. That was a couple of years ago and this idea popped into my head the other day so here it is.

    Enjoy and have a great day.

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Make Money from Home Cartoon

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