Saturday, October 9, 2010

Contest Winners!!!

    First of all, I know many of you have had a hard time finding Christine's book for purchase. That's because it SOLD OUT it's first printing :D However, the publisher now has it available again, so if you are looking for it, go to Prufrock Press. Amazon is reporting a delay of 3-5 weeks as are most of the other online retailers.

    Now, on to our winners!!!!

    The winner of the signed copy of Christine Fonseca's Emotional Intensity in Gifted Students goes to......



    Annnd SURPRISE! Since I was lucky enough to receive an ARC and since I have my own shiny new copy of this book....I'm going to give the ARC to a second winner who is.........


    The winner of K.M. Weiland's CD Conquering Writer's Block and Summoning Inspiration is.......

    L. Diane Wolfe!


    If the three of you will please email your addresses at authormichellemclean(at)yahoo(dot)com, I'll get your prizes sent out.

    For more chances to win, visit the authors' blogs and websites - their blog tours are still in process and there are more contests to be found! (For Christine click HERE, for Katie click HERE)

    Thanks for participating everyone, and a huge thanks and congratulations to Christine and Katie!!!

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Contest Winners!!!

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