Monday, October 11, 2010

Does A Name Really Matter?

    I know this has been discussed around the Webs before, but an incident with my son this weekend brought it to mind again. I was making lunch (grilled cheese sandwiches..can you guess where this is going?)

    Me: "Would you like a grilled cheese sandwich?"
    Son: "Nooooo."
    Me: "Well, your sister and I are having one. What do you want then?"
    Son: "A boy cheese sandwich."

    Nothing I did, no explanation I gave, not even a cooking demonstration while making them would convince my son that there were no boy or girl cheese sandwiches, just GRILLED.

    Finally, I said, "here's your boy cheese sandwich" and he promptly scarfed it down. The content of the sandwich didn't matter to him at all - it's what I called it that made it edible.

    So it got me wondering....

    How important is a name to you? Does the title of a book or the name of a character, or even the name of a creature or other item in a story make or break it for you? 

    There have been a few instances where I hated the name of the character (Bella from Twilight is a prime example - though I did like her as a character...more on that later this week (I realize I'm in a huge minority on this one)) :D

    But it didn't put me off the story. There have been instances where the name of a character or the title of a book have bugged me to the point where it pulled me out of the story or made me not pick the book up until peer pressure forced me to cave.

    Has this ever happened to you? Does a name really matter that much?

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Does A Name Really Matter?

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