Saturday, October 30, 2010

Monday Reminders - You Don't Want To Forget These!

    Just wanted to remind you, yes again (because I really really REALLY don't want you guys missing out on any of the Monday awesomeness!) - there are two places you DEFINITELY want to head to on Monday.

    1. Steena Holmes's blog for an awesome logline/hook line blogfest - with prizes! She has been posting some really helpful posts all week long about how to write these little babies - so you might want to head over now and get some polishing tips because....

    2. The Operation Awesome blog has something epically fun and potentially career changing that you MUST checkout...and you might just need a shiny, polished one-line pitch for a certain Mystery Agent who just might be stopping by to collect them *whistles innocently* Okay, so that wasn't exactly subtle :D MYSTERY AGENT CONTEST COMING YOUR WAY! :D Don't miss it!

    Have a good weekend everyone! I'll be posting over on the OA blog tomorrow, so stop by and see me :)

    SO MARK MONDAY ON YOUR CALENDARS!!!!!! It's going to be a blast! :D

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Monday Reminders - You Don't Want To Forget These!

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