Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Third Time's the Charm...I Hope

    REMINDERS: Tomorrow's the day!!! Join us tomorrow night at 9 pm EST on the Operation Awesome Blog for a live chat on queries with the fabulous Elana Johnson!
    And next week, Monday November 1st, join in a Logline Blogfest hosted by Steena Holmes - check out her post HERE for details :) See my post from yesterday HERE for help with writing loglines/hook lines.

    All right, NaNoWriMo is literally just around the corner. Who's playing this year? *raises hand*

    Once again, I'm going to attempt it. Now the last two years I ended up moving in November (yes, both years...I move a lot) :D In 2008, I was just moving into a new house (literally, we moved in Nov 1), and in 2009, I was packing because we were moving out of our house in Dec.

    And guess what, there is a very small, slight possibility we might just be moving November....AGAIN. Argh. We haven't decided if we want to keep renting the lovely house we are in now, or buy a place near by. If we do buy, we'll be moving next month. Oy.

    However, I do have a laptop this year, so there is really no excuse for not being able to participate, moving or not. Right? Riiiiiight ;-)

    I haven't been able to use my little potato man word counter much since I've been editing instead of writing new material, but I think I'll break him out for NaNo :D Here he is in case you haven't seen him before:

    I have him sleeping right now, as we haven't started yet, but you can make him do different things :D Very fun widget. Head to Writertopia if you want to snag him :)

    And here's a link to some gorgeous NaNo wallpaper calendars. I've used the big manor house one the last two years. I think I might go Old World this year...though there is just something about that manor house pic that I LOVE. Plus it fits my story...I might need to print some of these out and just have a bunch of calendars all over the walls :D

    Ooo and here's the link to the thread on the NaNo site where everyone posts calendars. I've just spent 30 minutes there, downloaded 6 of them, and still don't know which one I want to use :D *sigh*

    Does anyone else have any links to fun NaNo stuff? Calendars, wallpapers, word count widgets, etc? Does anyone have a calendar that has the funny sayings on every day? :D

    Come friend me if you are playing along this year! I'm michellemclean over there :D

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Third Time's the Charm...I Hope

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