Wednesday, March 31, 2010

An Interview and a Question - Is Talent Necessary?

    First of all, I wanted to let everyone know that the awesome writing sisters over at Shooting Stars, Bethany Wiggins and Suzette Saxton, are hosting an Authorly Journeys Week. Several writers are hosting these interviews this week, for those who haven't seen them yet :) Today, Suzy and Beth have an interview with me posted. Head on over to their blog and be sure to stay a while! These ladies are two of the most talented writers I know :)

    I came across these quotes the other day and they got me thinking. So I wanted to pick your brains about them :)

    Quotes for the Day:

    Real seriousness in regard to writing is one of two absolute necessities. 
    The other, unfortunately, is talent.
    ~Ernest Hemingway

    I see the notion of talent as quite irrelevant. I see instead perseverance, application, industry, assiduity, will, will, will, desire, desire, desire.
    ~Gordon Lish

    Two great authors, two differing opinions. I tend to fall in the middle. I think you can get quite a ways with sheer hard work and stubbornness. I do firmly believe that if you don't have the drive, passion, and work ethic to put in the time it takes, no amount of talent is going to help you. Perhaps if you have really good editors, you can get away with not having any talent, but you still have to put in the work to get those editors. 

    I guess, in a nutshell, I think they go hand in hand. You have to have the will and desire along with the talent. Perhaps the more talented among us have an easier time in some areas - maybe they don't have to revise as much or have an easier time coming up with fresh ideas or new ways of saying something. While I don't think that talent is irrelevant, I also think that busting your butt counts for a lot, and may make up for a lack of some talent.

    So, what do you think? Can you be successful in this business if you have no talent but complete drive and passion? Can you be successful if you have the talent, but not the work ethic? 

    And here's another question for you - can talent be learned, or perhaps replaced with experience and hard work? Or must you have at least a drop of talent in the blood you shed over your manuscripts?

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An Interview and a Question - Is Talent Necessary?

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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Obama Care Cartoon: Big Pill

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Obama Care Cartoon: Big Pill

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Ten Word Tuesday...Times Four :D

    A writer has to have some kind of compulsive drive to do his work. If you don't have it, you'd better find another kind of work, because it's only compulsion that will drive you through the psychological nightmares of writing.

    ~ John McPhee

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Ten Word Tuesday...Times Four :D

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Monday, March 29, 2010

Health Care Cartoon: Borrow my Umbrella

    I had the idea for this cartoon as a result of the heath care reform bill passing and the speaker of the house getting up and celebrating the passage of the bill which is fine….must have been tough to get everyone bribed I mean primed for the vote. It’s always good to celebrate a victory. The thing I found interesting was during her speech she made reference to the historical event that took place and likened it to the passage of Social Security and Medicare both of which are on their way to insolvency. It just struck me as odd that someone who some would view to be somewhat intelligent would use such a poor example of government making history. I think something like it’s passed, it’s historical and uhm…..have a nice day might have been better. Oh well….another day another entitlement, go figure. The cost of this thing is going to be……well…….staggering doesn’t quite do it……hmmm………crippling! That’s the word I’m looking for. Don’t fret about it though; it will most likely be the kids and grandkids that catch the economic smack down from this entitlement. We have Social Security to beat us about the head and neck, so it’s not like we won’t get ours. Though the explanation of where this cartoon came from was a little longer than I had first hoped and filled with a lot of sarcasm…..please don’t let that stop you from enjoying it. Have a great day.

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Health Care Cartoon: Borrow my Umbrella

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Just Suck it Up and Do It!!!

    There has been a lot of talk around the blogosphere lately about fear and pushing through it to meet your goals. So I thought I'd throw in my two cents, such as they are.

    This is actually something one of my writer friends/crit partners/agent buddies/ real life bestie and I talk about constantly. Oh, if you could only read the emails that fly between us. *sigh*

    However, we've more or less come up with the conclusion that all this emotional intensity (to use Christine's phrase) is just a part of who we are. I think creative people in general, and writers in particular, are just wired to feel things in that extra special, super intense way. It's a job requirement. You have to be able to feel in order to make your reader feel as well.

    But, with that intensity comes a lot of fear - fear of failure, fear of success, fear that you aren't good enough, fear that you are but no one will know it...

    All those feelings are valid and even good for your writing. I think that fear is what helps add the extra spice to your work, the special zing of emotion that has your readers laughing or crying along with you. And I think it pushes us to make our work as perfect as it can be....makes us revise time and again, makes us agonize over finding that exact right WORD.

    The problem arises when the fear stops you from doing what you are meant to do. When your fear of finishing that manuscript becomes so crippling you shove it under a bed or Heaven forbid, hit delete. When your fear of rejection causes you to walk away from the computer instead of hitting send. When your fear of criticism has you tossing your manuscript away or sending something unpolished and unready into the world instead of having a crit partner look it over.

    So how do you get over the fear? How do you make yourself push past it? Well, I, for one, chant my new mantra....JUST SUCK IT UP AND DO IT!

    What, you're tired? Too bad! Just suck it up and do it!

    What, you're afraid you won't get the edits right and will have to revise again? Well, guess what, you are probably right. So Just suck it up and do it!!

    What, you're afraid your crit partners are going to take their red pens and SHRED your manuscript? They've done it before and they'll do it again. So Just suck it up and do it!

    Fear has it's place in our lives, and it's not always a bad thing. But you can't let it stop you. Roll with it. Grab it by the hand and tell it you love it. Buy it some flowers and make kissy faces at it. Stick your tongue out or give it the finger. Do whatever you have to do to make peace with your fear....and then suck it up and just do it. Cause no one is going to do it for you and chances are, they wouldn't do it as well as you even if they could. Make fear your new BFF and show it what you're made of.

    What about you? Do you have any techniques for conquering, or at least dealing, with your fears?

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Just Suck it Up and Do It!!!

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Sunday, March 28, 2010

Funny Christmas Cartoon: Toes Up

    I was working on some birthday ideas the other day and ran into a block. It is customary in these situations to switch gears and focus on some other subject for a while. This was one of the thinks that came from that re-focus. I know Christmas, snow, snowmen and all of those things winter are a ways off right now but I thought I would visit it a little early this year. Besides that…..political cartoons seem to be another focus of mine as of late for some reason and I find that if I do too many of them at one time it makes me feel like I need to puke or at the very least stop drawing altogether for a while which leaves me with way to much free time in which to get in trouble other ways so Christmas, snowmen and dogs that need to relieve themselves is where I find myself today. Enjoy the cartoon and have a great day.

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Funny Christmas Cartoon: Toes Up

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Friday, March 26, 2010

Editorial Cartoon: Out to Pasture

    This editorial cartoon came to me as a result of a couple of different things. I was listening to a radio program and the topic was “Draining the Political Swamp”. Basically the idea was to get rid of all incumbents and start fresh in the upcoming November elections. The thought process being that there are far to many in congress that have made it more about a political career and less about serving the people as originally intended. I personally see both upsides as well as significant risk in the idea. I do think that some balance of power exercise needs to happen in this upcoming election. No matter what side of the isle anyone leans toward, I don’t think any type of super majority is good in almost any situation but more specifically, between the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches of our governmental system.

    Anyway, back to the cartoon idea. The second thing that brought this editorial cartoon to light was listening to Nancy Pelosi talk about how she talked to kids including six week olds. I’m really not sure but I am fairly comfortable in saying that there are probably not a lot of six week olds out there that have the grasp of speech. I could be wrong but I’m pretty sure I’m not. There is always the possibility that she misspoke but that seems to be more and more common place these days. Not just from Nancy but a whole host of people. That coupled with the Radio program led me to this cartoon. Enjoy and have a great day.

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Editorial Cartoon: Out to Pasture

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Friday Funnies and an Award

    First of all, I wanted to send a huge thank you to Zoe Courtman over at No Letters On My Keyboard, and Cheree at Justified Lunacy. Both lovely ladies gifted me with the Sugar Doll Award. Thank you so much! Totally made my day :) I'm going to pass this one along to five of my favorite people:

    1. Christine Fonseca, without whom I'd never survive...seriously
    2. Bonny Anderson, who I am missing like crazy
    3. Bethany, who I am also missing like crazy, and her lovely sister Suzy
    4. Kate, for always being a huge help with Blog Chain stuff
    5. Cole Gibsen, for always being there when I need her

    And now! On to our funnies for the day :)

    Best Newspaper Headlines of 1998

    1. Include Your Children When Baking Cookies
    2. Something Went Wrong in Jet crash, Experts Say
    3. Police Begin Campaign to Run Down Jaywalkers
    4. Drunks Get Nine Months in Violin Case
    5. Iraqi Head Seeks Arms
    6. Is There a Ring of Debris Around Uranus?
    7. Would-be Women Priests Appeal to Pope
    8. Panda Mating Fails; Veterinarian Takes Over
    9. British Left Waffles on Falkland Islands
    10. Teacher Strikes Idle Kids
    11. Clinton Wins Budget; More Lies Ahead
    12. Plane Too Close to Ground, Crash Probe Told
    13. Miners Refuse to Work After Death
    14. Juvenile Court to Try Shooting Defendant
    15. Stolen Painting Found By Tree
    16. Two Sisters Reunited After 18 Years in Checkout Line
    17. War Dims Hope for Peace
    18. If Strike Isn't Settled Quickly, It May Last a While
    19. Couple Slain; Police Suspect Homicide
    20. Man Struck By Lightning Faces Battery Charge
    21. New Study of Obesity Looks for Large Test Group
    22. Astronaut Takes Blame for Gas in Space
    23. Kids Make Nutritious Snacks
    24. Local High School Dropouts Cut in Half
    25. Typhoon Rips through Cemetery; Hundreds Dead

    There was once a young man who, in his youth, professed his desire to become a great writer.

    When asked to define "great" he said, "I want to write stuff that the whole world will read, stuff that people will react to on a truly emotional level, stuff that will make them scream, cry, howl in pain and anger!"

    He now works for Microsoft, writing error messages.

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Friday Funnies and an Award

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Thursday, March 25, 2010

Thirty Word Thursday

    ~From Advice To Writers, editor Jon Winkour -
    ("On avoiding too many subplots, unnecessary characters, and the urge to put all you know in one book:")

    Make not your tale of accidents too full;
    Too much variety will make it dull.
    Achilles' rage alone, when wrought with skill,
    Abundantly does a whole Iliad fill.
    ~  Florence King

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Thirty Word Thursday

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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Editorial Cartoon: Cooking with Obama

    This editorial type cartoon came literally out of thin air. I was sitting there board out of my mind playing Bejeweled on Face book getting more and more frustrated staring at the screen and not being able to see any moves over and over and over again when I thought “I wonder if President Obama can cook?” Pretty crazy, don’t ya think? I did. Anyway, I took it a little further by making the assumption that he is able to cook and really enjoys baking. I have no idea if it is true or not but what the heck. I went on thinking about what he would bake. Who knows, could be some sort of pie, cookies or maybe even bread for that matter. Then I thought what would a full time politician who enjoys the thought of control and big government solutions possibly bake. My answer…….a big government surprise cake…..of course. It just made sense……well… me it did anyway. Mr. Obama ran into some problems with some of the ingredients thought as you can see from the cartoon. Enjoy and have a great day.

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Editorial Cartoon: Cooking with Obama

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Ten Word....Wednesday?

    Since our regularly scheduled Ten Word Tuesday was preempted by our awesome blog chain, I carried it over to today :) Enjoy :)

    James J. Kilpatrick, on the secret of writing:

    We must look intently, and hear intently, and taste intently.

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Ten Word....Wednesday?

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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Blog Chain: He said, She said

    This lovely round of the blog chain is brought to you by the fabulous Kate, who wanted to know:

    Do you enjoy writing dialogue? Do you use a lot of dialogue in your writing (for our purposes "a lot" will be defined as more than a smidge and yet not so much that the quotes key on your computer is completely worn out.)? Do you have example(s) of dialogue you especially enjoyed from something you've read? Do you have example(s) of dialogue from your own writing? What about these examples makes them special?

    *warning: the following post is, REALLY REALLY long. Mostly due to the two excerpts I included. In fact, I think I'll try and pare them down some :D*

    The answer to the first two questions: yes and yes. I do enjoy writing dialogue, probably because most of the time when scenes pop into my head, it is of my characters speaking to each other. I spy on their conversations and even have a few of my own, just between myself and I, more frequently than I usually like to admit. So it's kind of fun getting those conversations down on paper.

    And I do use a lot of dialogue in my books. I think dialogue is a great way to get information across without doing an info dump, and it's a great way to let the reader get to know my characters. I think you can learn a lot about a person (or a character) by how they speak.

    As for an example of dialogue, this excerpt is from Diana Gabaldon's Outlander. I like it for a few reasons: 1. It's an excellent example of using a dialect. The characters speaking are Scottish, and their brogue comes through brilliantly without being distracting. 2. The characters' personalities shine through - you can get a real sense of who they are. (there are two other characters in this scene as well, but it is rather long as it is, so I cut everything but just two of them. And 3. This scene had me both laughing and crying. Gotta love dialogue that can evoke emotions like that.

    To set it up, Jamie and Jenny are brother and sister. They haven't seen each other in years. The last time Jamie saw his sister, she was being dragged into their home by an English soldier, Randall, who was intent on raping her, something she sort of volunteered for in order to save Jamie's life. Jamie has believed for years that she was not only raped, but had become the soldier's mistress for a time and had born him a child - both of which were untrue, as Jenny sets about telling him. Ian, Jenny's husband and Jaime's best friend, tries to mediate every now and then.

    The excerpt begins with Jamie furious in his belief that Jenny had married Ian without telling him about what had happened.

    "Did ye not tell him about Randall?" He sounded truly shocked. "Jenny, how could ye do such a thing?"

    Only Ian's hand on Jenny's other arm restrained her from flying at her brother's throat...Then Ian put his arm about Jamie's shoulders and tactfully steered him a safe distance away.

    "It's hardly a matter for the drawing room," [Ian] said, low-voiced and deprecating, "but ye might be interested to know that your sister was virgin on her wedding night. I was, after all, in a position to say."

    Jenny's wrath was now more or less evenly divided between brother and husband. "How dare ye to say such things in my presence, Ian Murry!?" she flamed. "Or out of it, either! My wedding night's no one's business but mine and yours - sure it's not his! Next you'll be showing him the sheets from my bridal bed!"

    "Weel, if I did now, it would shut him up, no?" said Ian soothingly.

    (Ian and Claire, Jamie's wife, drag them off into separate corners)

    Jamie rubbed a hand over his face, then raised his head, ready for a fresh round.

    "I saw ye go into the house with Randall," he said stubbornly. "And from the things he said to me later - how comes he to know you've a mole on your breast, then?"

    She snorted violently. "Do ye remember all that went on that day, or did the Captain beat it out of ye wi' his saber?"

    "Of course I remember! I'm no likely to forget it!"

    "Then perhaps you'll remember that I gave the Captain a fair jolt in the crutch wi' my knee at one pint in the proceedings?"

    Jamie hunched his shoulders, wary. "Aye, I remember."

    Jenny smiled in a superior manner.

    "Weel then, if your wife here - ye could tell me her name at least, Jamie, I swear you've no manners at all - anyway, if she was to give ye similar treatment - and richly you deserve it, I might add - d'ye think you'd be able to perform your husbandly duties a few minutes later?"

    Jamie, who had been opening his mouth to speak suddenly shut it. He stared at his sister for a long moment, then one corner of his mouth twitched slightly. "Depends," he said. The mouth twitched again..."Really?" he said.

    Jenny turned to Ian. "Go and fetch the sheets, Ian," she ordered.

    Jamie raised both hands in surrender. "No. No, I believe ye." .... (Jamie gives up the fight, but asks if Jenny knew that Randall would be unable to rape her when she went with him. Jenny takes offense at the idea Jamie would think that his life was a "suitable exchange for her honor" but wouldn't agree that she should give her honor for his life - implying that he loves her more, to which she replies:

    "Because I do love ye, for all you're a thick-headed, slack-witted, lack-brained gomerel. And I'll no have ye dead in the road at my feet just because you're too stubborn to keep your mouth shut for the once in your life!"

    Blue eyes glared into blue eyes, shooting sparks in all directions. (Jamie finally agrees he was wrong and begs her forgiveness. When she won't answer, he finally tells her he'll do whatever she wants. She tells him to stand up and take off his shirt. He refuses so she forcibly pulls his shirt out of his kilt. She walks around him, gently touching the whipping scars that cover his back.)

    "Weel, and if you've been a fool, Jamie, it seems you've paid for it." She laid her hand gently on his back, covering the worst of the scars. "It looks as though it hurt."

    "It did."

    "Did you cry?"

    His fists clenched involuntarily at his sides. "Yes!"

    Jenny walked back around to face him, pointed chin lifted and slanted eyes wide and bright. "So did I," she said softly. "Every day since they took ye away."

    ---it's right about here that I start bawling in my Cheerios. :)

    And, for an example of my own stuff, this is a favorite scene of mine from my first book. The book is set in 1850's England. My main character, Min, is a bit of a clutz but very intelligent. She has a huge crush on her dance instructor, Mr. Westley, who finds her reading in the library one day. I like this scene because in it, Min finally is in her element. She's not tripping over her own feet in dance class or accidentally choking on her peas at dinner. She is smart and gets to show it off.

    Mr. Westley glanced at the stack of books on the floor beside her.“Jane Austen, Lord Tennyson, Charlotte Bronte, Robert Browning…” He cocked his eyebrow. “You have read all of these?”

    Despite the anger building in her gut at his incredulous tone, she tried to keep it civil. “Yes, sir,” she said, taking her book back, “I have, several times.”

    “No Shakespeare?” Now he was mocking her. The amused disbelief on his face as he settled back in his chair enflamed the familiar ire she felt whenever a man dismissed her as too weak and womanly to have a working brain.

    “No, sir. I do not care for Shakespeare.” She shut her book with a snap and gathered the rest to her chest.

    Mr. Westley’s smile was growing broader by the minute. “And why would that be, Miss Sinclair? Do you find him too difficult?”

    Min took a deep breath through her nose and placed her books on the chair beside her. She turned to him and looked him full in the face. “Not at all, sir. He writes prettily enough, and some of his works are acceptable. But I do not care for his attitude toward women.”

    Mr. Westley sat up, the teasing light gone from his eyes. He looked genuinely interested now. “I have always found the women in Shakespeare’s plays to be strong-willed, passionate, and powerful characters. In what way would that be displeasing to you?”

    “If you’d really like to know, I have always thought Shakespeare’s view of women was too subject to the beliefs of the patriarchal society in which he lived. As those views were so much a part of his life and world, they were incorporated into his plays. As a writer, Shakespeare endowed his characters with traits he personally liked or disliked in women, depending on what type of a woman the character was meant to be. Yet, the base character would have been founded on the type of woman that Shakespeare lived with, the Elizabethan woman. ”

    Min smiled as Mr. Westley’s jaw dropped and a rush of excitement flooded her chest.

    “I do not care for Mr. Shakespeare’s portrayal of women,” she continued, “because strong-willed, passionate, and powerful or not, they all represented the type of woman that was ideal in the time in which Shakespeare lived. In short, women that were seen as inherently inferior and therefore in need of male guidance and protection.”

    Min sat back and enjoyed the stunned shock on Mr. Westley’s face. Well, she thought, that will teach him to think I am some silly girl without a thought in my head but how devastatingly handsome he is.

    He closed his mouth and leaned closer, his eyes alight with curiosity.“But many of Shakespeare’s female characters flouted their conventions, refused to marry their father’s choice, spoke their minds, chose their own paths. So perhaps, he was really an advocate of the independence and emancipation of women.”

    “Perhaps,” Min replied, “but if you will notice, no matter if the women began the play as strong-minded, independent forces to be reckoned with, or as weak-willed, obedient slaves to other’s desires, by the end of the play, they always ended in the same place.”

    “And where is that, Miss Sinclair?”

    “Exactly where every proper Elizabethan woman should be, Mr. Westley. Safely married or dead.”

    Min smiled, gathered her books, and stood. Mr. Westley continued to stare at her with a strange mixture of shock, amusement, and something else she couldn’t quite name.

    “If you will excuse me, sir, I believe I should retire now.”

    :) Sorry for the ridiculously long post. I think I have now beat everyone else on the chain LOL If anyone out there is still reading, tell me your thoughts on dialogue. Do you like it? Do you use it a lot? What are some of your favorite examples?

    Be sure to check out Bonny's answer from yesterday, and stop by Shaun's blog to see what he has to say on the subject :D

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Blog Chain: He said, She said

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Health Care Reform: Pre-existing Conditions

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Health Care Reform: Pre-existing Conditions

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funny signs

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funny signs

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Monday, March 22, 2010

Dragon Cartoon Character

    I was messing around drawing different things and this guy took shape. I like the way he turned out. I think he will find himself onto a coffee mug or something. Enjoy and have a great day.

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Dragon Cartoon Character

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Beth Revis's Awesome Celebration Contest

    Okay, meant to unplug last week to post this, but better late than never :)

    First, a HUGE congrats to Beth for her seriously awesome deal. Wooohoo!!!!!

    She is holding a truly spectacular contest to celebrate. Head on over to her blog (HERE) for the details!

    And be sure to see her awesome interview with Christine Fonseca over on Christine's blog :)

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Beth Revis's Awesome Celebration Contest

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Christmas Angel Desktop Wallpapers

    Enjoy the great collection of cute angels flying in sky to reach needy people who call them for help and support. As a messenger of god, they reach people everywhere and help them through various means. We have given new look to these angels to place as background on desktop applications just like these Christmas Angel Desktop Wallpapers for free.
    hot christmas angel wallpaper-for-desktopscute christmas angel wallpaperChristmas Angel Desktop Wallpapers

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Christmas Angel Desktop Wallpapers

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Christmas Baby Desktop Wallpapers, Christmas Baby Pictures

    Enjoy the lovely photography of people showcasing little babies on christmas season enjoying the happy holidays by wearing santa clothes, santa cap, giving away gifts and spreading cute charm of their beauty. We have converted them into these Christmas Baby Desktop Wallpapers as a piece of background on your desktop systems for free.
    santa baby desktop wallpaperChristmas Baby Desktop Wallpapersbaby christmas photo wallpaper for desktops

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Christmas Baby Desktop Wallpapers, Christmas Baby Pictures

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    Happy Monday! :) And how was everyone while I was gone? Anything fun, exciting, awesome, scary, sad, etc, etc go on?

    For me, I think I may be starting to get my life organized again. Absolutely amazing how long it takes to get back into the swing of things after you move...especially a major move like we did. Our schedules are completely different, so things are just...weird LOL

    I watched one of my favorite movies over the weekend, Multiplicity,  and started to realize that the 4 characters Michael Keaton played were reminding me a lot

    See, I have my workaholic side, like #1 - the side that wants to petition for a 36 hour day just so there is more time to write, write, and write some more.

    Then I have my Holly Homemaker side, like #2 - this one wants to do nothing but putter around my house all day making sure everything is totally spotless, with home-baked bread in the oven and my adorable, shiney and well-behaved children playing happily under my feet.

    And there is the "normal" side of me, the original version - the one that just tries my best to be a good wife and mother and writer and sometimes fails at all 3 but keeps on trying.

    However, I often find myself like #4 - the copy of a copy of a copy - the one that just didn't turn out quite right. The one who has been stretched so thin the only things he can manage in a coherent sentence are "I like pizza" and "more Coke."

    So how do I somehow combine all those personalities and make the perfectly balanced woman who can effortlessly juggle writing and mommyhood and wife-of-the-year?

    Beats the heck out me. If anyone figures it out, let me know :D

    In the meantime, I'll keep typing away, with the multi-colored plastic barrettes clinging to my unbrushed hair (my daughter made me pretty so "daddy will marry you" *snarf* gotta love kids...didn't want to break her heart and tell her that daddy's already married to me and stuck with me whether I'm pretty or not *Ha!* eh, can't hurt to let her doll me up...but I digress....) while my kids try to play Go Fish with the cat and I try desperately to remember that really important thing that I can't remember and wrote on a post-it note but someone opened the window and it blew down.....hmmm, hope it wasn't TOO important....

    *le sigh* I may not juggle well, but I do occasionally keep a few of the balls in the air - and for now, it's enough :)

    How is everyone else doing with their balancing act?

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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Cow Cartoon: Herd it was your Birthday

    I did this one as a play on words even though it is a little corny. Enjoy and have a great day.

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Cow Cartoon: Herd it was your Birthday

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Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Emo Girls Hairstyle

    Punk Hair Styles are not for everyone but are very trendy hair styles. Punk hair styles are usually for the younger crowd who are liberal and do not need the normal everyday hairstyles that most people have. When it comes to punk hairstyles, there is no normal look and usually the more wild the hairstyle is the better.

    Punk hairstyles are harder to find in the media because most of the people we see on television, mainstream magazines, and other sources are not the punk hair styles wearing group. Punk hairstyles are usually very volumous, sometimes with different colors. With punk hairstyles, you try to get as wild with your hair
    as possible rather it be sticking it up or letting it flow down wildly. There is a little punk even in the most conservative of people. There is a growing trend of other types of punk-like hairstyles such as emo hairstyles and indie hairstyles which correlates with a genre of music artists similair to punk.

    Punk Rock Hair Styles Resources

    Resources for punk hair styles are not as plentiful as for other hairstyles but there still are plenty of sources. There are still many websites that are dedicated to punk and plenty of photos of people with punk hair styles. You can find many photos on punk rock band websites as well. There are also punk magazines that you can use to try and come up with ideas for you punk hairstyles. One of the best resources is of course, MTV. You can catch many punk hairstyles in music videos
    , concerts, and other shows on MTV. If all else fails just play around with your hair and you never know, the best punk hair style for you might just pop up. Make sure to research products as well. There are many advertisements on products like the Osis brand Surf Up and Slick you need to get those punk hair styles to stay up.

    Punk hairstyles

    Girls Punk Hair Styles Tips

    Use the right products to give you the right look, from those that give volume, flatten, or super hold

    Punk hairstyles will go with most any face shape

    When going punk, don't worry about how you look just worry about having fun and being free from society's judgements

    Our Punk Hairstyle philosphy: Wear what you want( make sure you do wear something though) and do your hair however you like

    Browse punk music websites for pictures of punk hairstyles.

    Punk isn't your style? Then find out if goth hair is right for you.

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Emo Girls Hairstyle

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Emo Punk

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Emo Punk

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Emo Hairstyles

    Characteristics of Emo Hair Styles

    Length - One of the main characteristics of an emo hair style is length. Women's emo hair styles are often very short, while there are others that are quite long. Men's emo hairstyles are a bit long for guys, typically a bit longer than ear length.

    Color - Most people who wear emo hairstyles dye their hair. Black emo hairstyles are especially common, but it i's not uncommon to find red, blonde or pink emo hairstyles either. Any color of the rainbow usually works well.

    Highlights - Emo hairstyles also usually include highlights. These also can be any color of the rainbow, but pink, blue, red and blonde are very common. Highlights are often very thick among emo hair styles.

    Bangs - Emo hairstyles often incorporate side swept bangs.
    Emo Hairstyles Themes

    Some central themes are seen with various emo hairstyles, although emo can be any hairstyle that expresses one's individuality and emotion. A common theme in Emo hairstyles is the off-center, sweeping bangs that often feature a contrasting color. Another major theme in Emo hairstyles is the asymmetrical aspect of the hair. With Emo styles, it is not uncommon to see one section of the hair being short and the other section being long. This can create a very beautiful, if not artsy style.

    The good news is that an emo hair style can easily be personalized. By combining several of these common emo hair style characteristics, you can easily create an emo hairstyle that's all your own. If you really want a unique hairstyle, then it is a good idea to consider an emo hair style.

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Emo Hairstyles

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Emo Fashion

    What is Emo?

    The truth is that a definition of emo doesn’t exist; it means different things for different people. There are hundreds of definitions made up by people but not one of these can describe every single person, that is because the emo hair style and emo style in general changes, whether we’re talking about the emo fashion, emo hair, the emo girls and emo boys always alter their appearances.

    Emo can be a term used to describe culture, including music, day-to-day activities, fashion and appearance. Many people are really confused about what emo actually is; especially those who have stereotypical views against the cultural movement. However, it is important to realize that emo today hasn’t got the same meaning as in the 80s; the term was ’stolen’ if you want. For example, in 80s, people who had today’s emo hair weren’t called emo.
    Emo Fashion

    I think a definition of emo (emo hair and emo boys and girls) that could include a reasonably large group is the expression of your true self, including your emotions and style; hence we have created this site to help you find the emo hair style that fits you most! The emo gallery has hundreds of photos of emo hair styles and you can add your own by simply registering and uploading the photos.
    Which Emo Hair Is Good For You?

    The emo forum will also provide grounds of discussion for various ideas, suggestions or emo hair , emo boys , emo girls or simply any emo fashion related queries!

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Emo Fashion

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