Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Editorial Cartoon: Cooking with Obama

    This editorial type cartoon came literally out of thin air. I was sitting there board out of my mind playing Bejeweled on Face book getting more and more frustrated staring at the screen and not being able to see any moves over and over and over again when I thought “I wonder if President Obama can cook?” Pretty crazy, don’t ya think? I did. Anyway, I took it a little further by making the assumption that he is able to cook and really enjoys baking. I have no idea if it is true or not but what the heck. I went on thinking about what he would bake. Who knows, could be some sort of pie, cookies or maybe even bread for that matter. Then I thought what would a full time politician who enjoys the thought of control and big government solutions possibly bake. My answer…….a big government surprise cake…..of course. It just made sense……well… me it did anyway. Mr. Obama ran into some problems with some of the ingredients thought as you can see from the cartoon. Enjoy and have a great day.

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Editorial Cartoon: Cooking with Obama

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