Monday, March 8, 2010

A Contest, An Award, And a Blog Chain, Oh My!

    Happy Monday! Okay, we've got a couple fun things going on. First off, Elana Johnson is running an awesome book giveaway contest, so head to her blog for all the details! She's giving away SEVEN SIGNED BOOKS (most of them personalized). Definitely go check it out :)

    Next, the very sweet Laura Diamond awarded me with The Honest Scrap Award :D Thanks Laura!!! For this award, I'm supposed to tell 10 truths about myself. Soooo....

    1. I prefer even numbers to odd - to the point that odd numbers kinda drive me nuts, especially when it comes to buying fruit - I always buy 6 apples, never five...weird stuff like that LOL

    2. When I hit 30, my hair went curly instead of gray

    3. It took me almost 10 years and 4 colleges to get my Bachelors degree...I didn't get kicked out or anything, I just moved a lot and kept losing credits LOL

    4. I'm probably allergic to chocolate but just can't quit it

    5. I read the first books in the Outlander and Clan of the Cave Bear series in one day (a piece, not one doay for both of them...I'm good, but not that good :D They are 1000 + page books after all LOL...couldn't put them down)

    6. I've lived in seven different states, two on the east coast, one on the west, a couple in between and even an island (Hawaii)

    7. One of the reasons I wanted to date my husband was because his family is Scottish and I had just finished reading Outlander by Diana Gabaldon and was completely enthralled with anything Scottish :D

    8. I am the oldest of five kids - my last brother came quite a bit later than the rest of us, and my husband is quite a bit older than my youngest brother is the same age as my stepson :) And I apparently like the phrase "quite a bit" :D

    9. I had an almost photographic memory...until I had kids. Now I have trouble remembering my name

    10. Loves to dance but NEVER in public :D

    Annnnd, I totally flaked on my blog chain duties - I was supposed to post my entry on Saturday and then promised I'd do it last night. Oops *embarrassed face* So, without further ado, my blog chain post :D

    The awesome Eric chose this topic. He wanted to know:

    Do you create characters that are larger-than-life or are your characters more like the average Joe?

    I like larger than life characters, but when it comes to my main characters, so far at least, I create characters that are more like the average Joe. BUT, these characters are put in larger than life situations and do larger than life things. They find out they have special powers, or have ghostly friends, or end up on a treasure hunt in a life or death race for some jewels.

    And I like to give them out-of-the-ordinary quirks. A proper Victorian lady who isn't so proper and is the least graceful thing on two legs; a sweet average high school girl who boxes on the weekends; a shy, quiet valedictorian who does extraordinary things when no one is watching.

    So I guess I do a little of both. My characters are seemingly average - or they are average on the surface, but they all have a fun twist to them, whether it's something supernatural or just a cool quirk that isn't expected.

    Be sure to check out the always extraordinary Bonny, who answered this question before me, and the amazing Mr. Shaun, who will post next :)

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A Contest, An Award, And a Blog Chain, Oh My!

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